Chapter 1

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Chapter One

I didn't exactly reach my goal bcuz I only got 4 votes but whatever...its a start. Also bcuz Imma very nice person, I decided to post the first chapter. Hope u enjoy!!! :)


Shut the fuck up!" Shouted my dad.

I was currently laying on my bed trying to concentrate on my homework but the shouting from my parent's room made it hard for me to focus.

I reached inside my book bag and pulled out my headphones plugging it into my phone and pressed shuffle. The first song that came on was hello by Adele, one of my favorites at the moment.

"Hello, its me. I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet," I sang along making the music work its magic and distract me from the outside world.

Half an hour later I was able to complete the majority of my homework. I didn't really have anything to do because I'm classed as a "nerd" and I only have like two people who I trust. Therefore they are my best friends.

I talk to a lot of other people in my class but they're not as close to me as Jake and Alexis.

Jake has always been like a brother to me since he moved in a few houses down from mine five years ago and as for Alexis we just clicked the moment we met at an ice cream parlor not too far from our school.

I was sitting at a bench eating my ice cream and she thought that I looked lonely so she joined me. We talked for hours about anything and everything and from then on we were joined at the hip. We were both 10 at the time.

Anyway as I was saying, I didn't have much to do because I'm pretty boring and Jake and Alexis were in volleyball and soccer practice. Therefore I had nobody to harrass. Pathetic isn't it?

I switched on the TV after taking a long, relaxing shower. By now the shouting were turned into low whispers as they did whatever they were doing.

I browsed through the channels then settled on watching spongebob. I know, I know. I sound childish but I don't care. Spongebob is awesome!!!


The next morning, I woke up to the TV playing. Apparently I was so exhausted that I fell asleep.

It was a beautiful Wednesday morning as the sun rose in the sky. The sun rays scattered creating a nice effect on the clouds and the birds chirped a tune.

I felt refreshed and ready for the day ahead of me. I knew I would get through this day with ease because I had everything organized.

I took a shower then dressed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a hoodie. I applied a bit of eyeliner and mascara then was ready to leave home.

"Ping!" My phone rang out as I got a message. It was from Jake asking me if I needed a drop to school. I replied quickly saying yes as I heard a honk outside my house.

I rushed out without even telling my parents goodbye because I knew they were either sleeping or not home at all.


*Don't forget to vote.

*comment and give me feedback.

*if you have cool ideas you wanna share with me you can go right ahead. Pm or comment below. I'll appreciate it.

Thank you my lovelies for reading :* Hope you enjoyed it!!! Bye until next time.


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