Chapter 5

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"So you left your daughter with a strange man you don't know who also happens to be an alcoholic? And you don't see a problem?" Randy asked after I explained the situation to him.

"Yes and no. I understand the issue but Dean seems like a nice guy! Plus he's quite pleasing to the eye," I defended.

Sure it was a stupid choice to leaves daughter with a strange alcoholic. But I mean in my defence he seems harmless. And I know how much Joelle hates going to her mom's house.

"Roman I swear you're an idiot," Hunter commented as he wiped off the tables.

"Oh come on guys! Don't gang up on Roman. I've seen Dean and if I wasn't happy with Aj, I would've talked to him myself," Kaitlin said helping me out.

"Sure you would've approached him. I would've too. But would you leave your only child with him?" Seth asked her. She tried to think of an excuse but couldn't find one.

"Can we not talk about this?" I pleaded. I was starting to get nervous about my decision.

"Fine," Randy said raising his hands up in mock defeat.

I grabbed my phone and headed to the bathroom.

"Where you goin'?" Seth asked smirking.

"Bathroom..." I trailed off. He started to say something else but I ran to the bathroom before he had the chance.

I called the house phone.

"Hello?" Dean's voice said through the phone. He was panting.

"Hey Dean. It's me Roman," I said.

"I know silly. You have caller ID," he giggled.

"Right," I chuckled in embarrassment.

"So did you need something?" Dean asked reminding me that I called him.

"Oh uh yeah. Can I speak with JoJo?" I asked.

"'Course!" He said followed by a, "Joelle! Your dad!"

"No I'm not lying so I can tag you. Your dad is really on the phone. Jo please come to the phone! Yes I'll count again after you get off the phone. Ugh and we can make cookies too," Dean yelled out.

Them there was silence.

"Hi daddy!" Joelle's cheery voice said into the phone.

"Hey baby girl. What're you doing?" I asked her.

"Well I was winning at hide and seek but then you made me come outta my hiding place," she explained in an overly dramatic voice.

"Sorry. I just missed you is all," I apologised.

"It's fine father. Now I must go. Prince Dean is about to make cookies for me," Joelle exclaimed in a fake British accent.

"Okay well bye. Love you."

"Love you too. Byee." She hung up.

"I knew you were calling them!" Seth yelled from behind me. Randy sighed pulling out a $10 bill and handing it to Seth, who just smirked taking the bill.

"I have no privacy around here," I sighed looking at my two best friends.

"But that's why you love us," Sethie said.

Yeah I guess so.

Hey! So everyone is kinda suspicious of Dean. But he couldn't hurt a fly. Well that's a lie. Lol. But anyway hope you enjoyed.
Love y'all,

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