Chapter 10

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I noticed Dean seemed stressed so I followed him outside. I caught the majority of his rant and I was shocked.

Did his girlfriend really cheat with his brother?

"Are you okay?" I asked Dean causing him to jump. He turned to look at me and flashed his famous crooked smile that didn't quite meet his baby blues.

"I'm sorry to eavesdrop but you seemed upset and I wanted to make sure you were okay. I understand if you want to be alone. You sounded pretty pissed and-" I began rambling.

"Ro it's fine. Thanks for checking on me," Dean interrupted. I visibly relaxed.

"Okay. Well dinner is finished. Come in when you feel like it," I spoke before heading back inside. The girls were sitting at the dining room table.

I brought the pan out and put it in the centre of the table. I went back to retrieve the rolls.

I could hear the front door open and the sound of the alarm as it beeped.

When I took the rolls out of the oven, I saw Dean walking into the kitchen.

"Smells like Ruby Tuesday," he said.

"Random as-"

"Fruit roll ups!" He finished glancing at the kids.

"Right! Random as fruit roll ups," I said with a chuckle. Dean walked up behind me.

"Y'know, I think we should keep fucks between us," he whispered in my ear before biting it gently. I froze, the pan of rolls still in my mitten covered hands.

Dean carefully ran a hand down my back causing shivers to run up. He let the hand rest on my bum before giving it a little squeeze. I gasped at the front of my pants tightened.

"Daddy! Can you hurry up please? We're dying here!" Joelle yelled as her and Mya dramatically threw themselves on the table. Dean's hand left its spot on my ass and he made his way over to the table. He sat across from his daughter.

I was still standing there looking crazy. Dean winked and licked his lips.

"You better come soon. I'm getting a little hungry too. And when I'm hungry, I become pretty hard to handle," he said staring me down. My face flushed as I hurriedly put the rolls on the table. The only seat left was beside Dean so I sat down hesitantly.

I fixed Mya ad Joelle their plates and Dean fixed his. I was about to fix my own when I felt a hand on my thigh. I glanced at Dean but he was still eating.

Maybe it was an accident. I scooped some of the spaghetti on my plate along with two of the rolls. I began eating right as the hand started to move. Closer and closer to my-

"Daddy, can I be excused to go the bathroom?"

The hand ceased movement.

Dean looked at Mya.

"Uh yeah. Of course baby girl," he said withdrawing his hand. I let out a sigh of relief.

Thank god for 7 year old blathers.

Hey! Happy Late Thanksgiving! I know I updated late but I was so busy on Thursday and I didn't even get to watch the main event of Smackdown. Can someone fill me on what happened?

Anywhore, so you got Ambreigns action here. What do you think of Dean making a move on Roman? Is he using him? I actually have no idea.
Hope you enjoyed.
Love y'all,

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