Chapter 5

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General POV.

What the hell... Mia thought.

"You! You shouldn't be here." She spoke venomously. Mostly tired as well.

"Why not? There are mirrors here, small clean ones in fact." He spoke casually with folded arms.

"Please mind! Shut up now, I wanna sleep." She urged as if trying to prove herself more than him that it's her mind playing on her.

"My name is Harry." He remarked.

"If only I knew a way to make sure it's not real." She ignored him while splashing some water on her face and staring at the faucet.

Her eyes sparkled all of a sudden, and her lips formed a slight smile. Harry could've sworn if there was a lightbulb on her head, it would've exploded.

"DAVE! DAVID!" She cried, eyes fixed on Harry who shook his head with a smirk.

"What?" Came in sight a groggy tear-stained face, David.

She didn't respond just gestured toward the mirror-cabinet.

"What you can't open it?" He asked cluelessly almost irritatingly.

"Dave, can't you see?!" She gestured toward the mirror once again.

"Ah!" He smiled in recognition and walked to the cabinet and killed a spider that was right above Harry, who didn't even flinch.

"There, You're safe now." He smiled sleepily. Smirking Harry remained smirking.

"Thanks. Goodnight." She spoke absently, while looking at the mirror.

She waited till David shut the door and then spoke "Why can't he see you? Because you're my imagination."

"Or Because, I don't want him to."

"No. Because, you're not real!"

"Could you stop saying that? It bothers me."

"My brain is asking me to shut up?! How polite!."

"Well, if you have any brains, how'd you think your mirror was fixed and David's broke? How'd you think you suddenly were sleeping in the bedroom instead of the bathroom? Explain, Mia!" His expression was serious for the first time. Mia was taken aback by the outburst and hoped David hadn't heard.

A moment passed in silence.

The lights flickered a moment, Mia instantly shuddered. The cabinet slowly opened on its own revealing the medications inside, the same moment a click of a door occured. The second after, the mirror and the door closed. Mia shut her eyes in terror.

"Explain this." The voice came from behind quiet and even deeper than the usual. It sounded so real. Mockery.

She turned around and took in the view with wide eyes.

The same soft curls that sharpened the edged jawline, with the pink smirky lips and beautiful green eyes hollowing a pure pale face. The same tattooed biceps emerging from the black tank top that rested on top of a black jeans and black boots.

He was very handsome and intimidating.

"OHMYGOD!" She gaped, hand over mouth.

"I'm real, aren't I?" He smirked.

Her heartbeat quickened, she was scared , like proper fear. As if making sure he was touchable, she put a wary, shaky hand on his shoulder. He looked down at it, glaring.

Not wasting no more time, Mia passed out causing Harry to roll his eyes and drag her to bed.


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