Chapter 23

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General POV.

"Oh great, now you look like some Mick Jagger freak." Mia mocked Harry who was wearing a fedora.

"The finest Mick Jagger freak, please." He smiled proudly and took it off.

"I wholly and completely regret shopping with you. It's like you're trying to pick the worst designs or something." She said flipping through the shirts he picked.

"Is that so?" Harry raised an eyebrow and he picked one of the shirts with many florals on it.

"Try it then judge." He ordered and waited. And she nodded a challenging smile crawling her face.

There was no one staring at Harry Styles. Because, one of the best perks of being a Gamer is mind illusion. He could fool every breathing creature in his presence. And all of them saw a boy with an insignificant face, except Mia. She saw the pure pale face, pink lips and green emeralds.

They've been friends for a while now, Mia did all the gossip and Harry was the listener. He let her talk so he could grasp her personality. The more he knew, the finer he could play.

"Looks like you've been long enough around here, to know what's good and what's not." She said coming out from the dressing room with the floral shirt.

"It'll sink in. You know, the fact that I'm always right." Harry bragged.

"Shut up." She said with a playful eyeroll and turned to the mirror adjusting her shirt.

"I think I will buy that." She said to herself scanning her reflection.

Harry came from behind with a golden necklace and he rested it on her soft skin, latching it and leaving it there.

"That's awesome. Did you buy this?" Mia gushed.

"You wouldn't wanna know how I got it." Harry turned off but she was still fascinated by the gold on her neck.

"I love it." She said sincerely, a wide smile spread on her face.

"I thought maybe because we're friends, I should always be there for you. So if you're in trouble and I'm not there, squeeze it and say my name." He explained and her heart fluttered at her friend's kindness.

"So, this is our cell phone? Cool." She nodded in approval and turned to face him.

She kept staring in his arises and he kept searching hers. Their faces were inches apart and the magnet pulling Mia towards him was too strong to resist.

"C'mon there's something I wanted to teach you." Harry pulled away and turned around, smirking to himself.

"Sure, I'll buy this first." She said a blush climbing up her cheeks.


Harry had them leave the car parked and walk till the place they were headed.

"There's something you need to know about my friends, it's that they all know how to shoot." Harry hinted.

"Are you going to teach me how to kill?" She asked surprised.

"How to defend yourself." He corrected.

"Fair enough." She said as they arrived to the training area and Harry held the door for her.

He greeted the man as, Heath. There were a couple of people practising. Harry picked one of the displayed guns and gave it to Mia.

He placed it in her hand and held it steadily. Their arms brushed each other and Harry used Mia's finger and fired at the target. Mia jumped.

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