Not the Best Day to Fall Asleep

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What's all this noise at the middle of the night? There are people sleeping here! I sleepily turned around in bed and turned my phone on. The light burned my eyes. Shit. It was 8 am. I was late for work! And I had 48 notifications! FORTY EIGHT FREAKING NOTIFICATIONS in just 7 hours, after midnight. Some were from Nicki and mom who were worried sick like if I had become a drug addict or had been kidnapped overnight, after saying that I was going to bed. What am I supposed to do, chat unnecessarily until I make sure they know I'm okay, safe and not in the hospital with holes and purple spots all over my arms?

I slide through the texts quickly. Mom: "Where are you?" Hmm.. That must be hard to guess after me saying that I was going to sleep. "Why aren't you replying Em, are you busy?" No, I was just ignoring you Nicki, cause I hate you and I think you might give up and leave me alone, if I ignore you enough. Seriously do they even think before asking these questions?!   

Then I see the texts from my colleagues asking me where I am and telling me that I have to hurry up and get to the office or... OR I'LL BE FIRED!?!! No, that can't be it, right? They must be mistaken. I can't get fired for one simple mistake can I? This is the first time I'm late, my boss can't be THAT cruel.

Getting prepared half sleepy, half panicked I tried to think if I actually had the risk of being fired. I had to hand in the file, and it was pretty important but I thought I had the whole day for that! I jumped in a taxi instead of the more contagious public transports and gave the driver the address. While on the rode, I started replying to some of my texts.

Mum: "Where are you Emma?"

Me: "I fell asleep at the strip club while injecting drugs through my arms!. I was home mom, and now I'm in the taxi going to the office."

She is typing...

Mum: "Haha soooo funny. Am I not allowed to ask where my daughter is now?"

Me: "Of course you are, it's just it seemed to be unnecessary after me telling you I was going to bed.."

Mum: "How am I supposed to know which bed."

Okay she's exaggerating now.

Me: "Which bed could it be?! Never mind, sorry. You were worried, but I'm okay except the fact that I'm late for work"

Mom: "Any bed really... You're late for work?!  Emma are you ever in time for anything, you're not going to school anymore, a little piece of paper won't leave things behind! It might even cause you to get fired."

Why is everyone telling me that? It's one simple mistake. I fell asleep, so what? That doesn't necessarily mean that I'll lose my job, does it?! 

Me: "I'm in time for almost everything mom, except the times when problems like this occur. I was hardly late to school as well! Please don't exaggerate it, I won't lose my job for this. I gotta go now, talk to you later, say hi to dad xx" 

Phew! That's over and now it's Nicki's turn!

Nicki: "Why aren't you replying Em, are you busy?"

Me: "I didn't hear my phone and yeah I was pretty busy with the file I have to hand in today. Why else do you think I wouldn't reply?"

Nicki: "I don't know, maybe you were with a date or maybe you were mad at me. Or you just got bored of me and found yourself a new best friend.. There are many possibilities!"

Me: "Seriously! It's not like I'd go out and search for a new best friend as if I was looking for new shoes that would match a dress, at the mall!"

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