from Dumb Mark to DMs

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"Do you want to save 'Standard Room Outline 1' before you quit?" pops up in my screen and I click on "Yes", then drop down the lid of my laptop.


It was one of those regular days at work. I woke up at 6 am, sleepy as always. Took a cold, fast shower that successfully awakened me, then hurried to the tube to hop on another stinky metro. Happy to have found an empty and clean looking seat for once, I sat down and got disconnected from the outer world, putting on my earphones. I tapped on 'The Wanted' in the 'Artists' section, pressed 'shuffle' and Tom's angelic voice suddenly filled up my ears, unwinding my whole body: "They say that time heals everything. But they don't know you and the scars you


Hearing the familiar voices that I'd been listening to, almost ceaselessly, for the last few weeks, I started imagining their upcoming concert in London. It was going to be amazing! Nicki and I bought the tickets online, two weeks ago, the day after our little "catch up" session at the café. I was afraid that they'd be sold out but we even found front row tickets and bought them immediately. She took it pretty normal but I couldn't believe our luck.

It hadn't even been a month since I found out about this band and I already had tickets for their concert, perfect front row tickets, it seemed surreal. Especially, knowing that there were fans all around the world that had been there the whole time and still hadn't got the chance to meet the boys, or even go to their concert. It made me feel a bit cruel. "At least I'm a fan, not a random person, that would be less fair." I thought to myself trying to feel better about it. Then I realised Nicki wasn't actually a fan and I was making her come. Maybe there was a huge fan out there wanting a front row ticket and was devastated after finding out they were all sold out, when Nicki here, had a perfect place at a 'random concert' she was going to. The very thought of that really upset me.

For a second, I wished having a really close friend from the fan base, with who I'd go to this concert, thinking it would be more fun and more fair, then hated myself for even having the thought of it. I already had a really great and close friend who loved me so much that she'd come to a concert of a band she had no idea about, to make me happy and not to leave me alone.

The only problem was, even though we mostly liked the same things, and shared everything; we didn't share this new thing of mine for this band. Yes, she found them cute, and yes she got herself to like a few of their songs but I was sensing that she didn't really find anything special or original in them. She probably saw them as another one of those cheesy boy bands that I thought they were, when I first heard of them in the interview. She was just going along with the fact that I had a thing for them and she was acting according to it. And, I was okay with it, really. I just felt the need to share things about The Wanted with someone, talk about the newest information, go into discussions about them for hours without noticing the time fly. I couldn't do that with Nicki. She was doing her best to listen carefully but she wasn't really interested in the subject so I kept talking and talking and all she did was nod and say "Uh huh" a couple of times. Plus to tell her a new detail, I had to explain her everything from the beginning.

Lost in all these thoughts, eyes closed, ears too busy with listening to another one of The Wanted's beautiful songs, I was almost missing the station I was supposed to descend at. Walking for a short while under the burning sun with my not-so-comfortable high heals, I finally arrived at the office.

I am not quite the "high heal" type. I more likely wear flats or sports shoes. But these first months of work, I feel like I need to look more formal and chic than I usually do. Not just with the shoes but also with the clothes. Even though I love wearing colourful clothes and try to make different combinations with them; at work I prefer black, and sometimes white. It's like a secret, silent rule. I've never seen anyone wear anything with a different colour. Once, I had worn a simple, light blue shirt on top of a brown skirt and everyone kept staring at me with weirdly. Since then I've been wearing boring black and white clothes. Today, I am wearing a tight skirt that reaches my thighs (which is black as you may imagine) and a white, short sleeved shirt. After a few months, I'm planning to start wearing dirty white or light beige shirts (as i'm really getting bored of this old movie colours) and my brand new black flat shoes which will still match my outfits and be absolutely more comfortable than stupid heals. Those things can cause serious injuries, believe me!

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