Band of MINE

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I got out of the building and sighed loudly. I was on the clouds. Even though the "first strike" conversation with Mr Sparks freaked me out a bit, I at least survived the day and am still employed!

I suddenly jumped with a yell through my ear : "EMMA! I missed you so much babe!"

Last thing I know, Nicki jumped on me and hugged me to death. I was nearly choking when she finally let go off me and said: "How are you? What have you been up to? Tell me everything! Did I miss anything huge?" with excitement in her deep blue eyes and happiness all over her face. "Don't tell me you got married or something when I was gone!"

Yup, that's my Nicki, all dramatic and exaggerating every single thing. She was gone like for two months and she actually thinks I did something life changing and didn't tell her just because she was away. Like I said, dramatic.

Next year is her final year at the university so she decided to travel all over Europe to get an idea of how it is to lead her own life and of course to have some fun during the summer holiday. Kind of like the "gap year" concept (I guess you could call it "gap summer". Just made it up, but quite smart, don't you think?). Now she's finally back and she is as enthusiastic as she was before she was gone.

We started walking. We saw a really nice café with beautiful flowers all over it and decided to have a hot beverage (even though it was like 30 degrees outside) there while catching up with what'd been going on in our lives lately.

"So, how was Europe?" I asked with curiosity. "Which cities did you visit?"

"Oh well, I'm not gonna lie, it was AMAZING !.. I kind of did a circle on the map while travelling. As you probably know, I began the journey in Germany, Berlin. Then I passed to Austria and visited Vienne. From there I went to Budapest in Hungary which took less than an hour as they are really close. After that, I travelled to Italy. I visited several cities there: Venice, Florence and of course Rome. Then I went to France. Like in Italy I visited several cities in France as well: Paris, Rennes and a perfect little town called Saint Malo in the Brittany region. Finally I went to Spain and saw Barcelona and the capital Madrid. And now I'm here! Your turn." she ended, looking at me expectantly.

"Wait that's it? No details? We're not in a rush or anything here, I want more than just the city names!" I exclaimed, startled and slightly annoyed.

"But I already know all that, I wanna hear about you and your new 'adult' life." She said with excitement.

I chuckled "Me? It's not much different than my 'teen' life. The only difference is that I live on my own now and go to work instead of the university."

"That is a big difference you know!" she pointed out, opening her eyes widely.

"Okay, I will detail you this month but then you will actually tell me what you did in Europe etc. WITH ALL THE DETAILS." I said, a little too angrily. She accepted unwillingly.

"I searched for a flat for a few days. Then I found one in Bayswater for £112.00. It's perfect for me, a flat just as I was looking for. I borrowed some money from mum, bought the flat settled in and am now living happily there."

I stopped to visualise the last few months thinking what I could tell next. "Next mission was to find a proper job, preferably close to my new flat. I went to a few job interviews and got called back by at least three of them. I was going to choose according to the distance from my flat cause they were all great companies but I fell in love with "Architecture Design & Construction", so I forgot the plus sides of all the other jobs and directly accepted their offer, without hesitation. It's a little further than the other offices are to my flat but still, you know... It didn't mean much to me before seeing how crappy public transports are.. So that's it from me. YOUR TURN!" I finished, looking at her expectantly.

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