Daddy issues

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Louis POV

"For god sake Louis, grow a pair of balls! You can't keep running away whenever things become hard! That's exactly what your father did"
"I am nothing like that pr!ck, don't you dare compare me to him!"
"I wouldn't have any reason to if you didn't act like him. Now listen to me Louis, you're a grown man. I know you had to grow up fast and you missed out on some of your teenage years but that doesn't mean you have to act like a teenager. You're such a good lad Louis but leaving Zayn every so often isn't acceptable, especially when there are children in the mix. You need to have strength sweetheart. Life is hard and not everything goes as we would wish but you have to face whatever's making you upset instead of literally running to your mum"
"I know but I'm just so frustrated. Niall won't even ask zayn to play anymore because the answer is so predictable. He's busy 24/7 so he barely interacts with Niall and Harry it's just so ugggh.."
"Every couple has those moments Lou! Life isn't all butterflies and happy endings"
"Alright, look mum, I have to go. I'll call you later"
"Ok, love you boobear"
"Love you too mum."
And with that I hung up, gripping the disposable Starbucks mug between my two hands, feeling the warmth radiating from there's inside. Milk, no sugar, as usual. There was going to be a serious smell of coffee beans from my jumper later.
For the past hour I've been contemplating about everything that happened as of late, trying to figure things out, mulling over my warm cup of tea.
It would take years to fix everything at this rate.
But then again why fix what's not broken to me? Yeah, we might be considered broken by society what with becoming parents at 17 and 18 and grandparents at 32 as well as being gay and a carrier and, if I do say so myself, a diva, but to me we're perfect.
Petty arguments like this shouldn't matter but I just had to clear my head for a bit. Maybe time apart is important in a relationship.
"Excuse me, I'd this seat available?" A voice asked, pulling me out of my haze. "Yeah, no pro-- Eleanor?"
"Oh well I'm glad you finally remembered! I was waving at you for like 5 minutes! How are you? I haven't seen you in months!!" She squealed, squishing me into a massive bear hug.
"But.. I thought you were in LA? You know, doing fashion and what not?"
"LA wasn't for me. I'm too much of a home bird, turns out I can't survive without Yorkshire tea"
"Well it is pretty damn perfect" I chuckled as she took off her jacket, revealing her light burgundy jumper.
"So why aren't you at home playing house? Your two boys must miss you"
"Well, firstly I needed a quick break and secondly there's three boys now. I have the youngest with me, he's just between the wall and my chair on this side" a smile crept onto my face as I gazed down at the baby, cuddled up with his soft blue blanket with his dummy bobbing rhythmically in his mouth.
"How come I wasn't informed of this! I thought we were best friends" she faked offence with a smirk on her face. Typical Elle. "Gimme a look! I bet he's gorgeous! I mean, look at Liam and Niall. They're absolutely beautiful"
I slowly pushed my chair back, not wanting to wake up the baby as he looked unbelievably comfy in his fluffy beige onesie and blue blanket.
He grunted and shifted a bit in my arms for a few seconds but after he settled back down his eyes remained securely shut, apart from the occasional flicker but that's normal for any baby.
"He's a bit on the small size but it shouldn't take long before he fills out a bit. He looks a bit like Liam actually."
"Oh my gosh! He is adorable! How did you keep him a secret from me? Can I hold him?" She squealed and all I could do was laugh in response. Only four months old and already breaking women's hearts.
"Don't get your knickers in a twist! Of course you can but try not to wake him. He's awkward to get to sleep." I said gently while passing my little bundle over to Eleanor, watching as she cuddles him close and kisses his squishy forehead carefully.
"Oh my god Lou.. He's tiny!"
"Well I am his father." I joked half heartedly, swirling the remainder of my tea around the cup.
"True.. I'm so jealous of those eyelashes. Talk about never needing mazzy."
"Well, seen as he's a boy mascara will probably be the last thing on his mind but you never know! So how are you and Peter doing? I presume you're still a thing right?"
And that's how the conversation continued until 1am, when apparently Costa HAD to close. Glad I didn't tip that ass now.

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