Tired, Tears and Tough times

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Louis POV

"Hang on baby, daddy's comin'" i called into the living room, hearing the loud crys from my baby boy.
The thing is, he always seems to be crying. Maybe we were spoiled with Liam and Niall because both of them were quiet babies. I just we could just get to the end of it and figure out whats wrong with harry.
With that i dried my hands on the nearest tea towel and made my way to the living room, going over to Harry's moses basket.
"Shhh, whats up buttercup? Whats the matter, ey?" I cooed as i scooped the boy up and into my arms.
"You're alright love, daddy's here" i soothed while rubbing gentle circles on his back, hoping he'd calm down before Zayn came in from work.
After having the 10 days he was due off when Harry was born Zayn had to go back to work in the school today. You could tell he didn't want to leave this morning but he had to. Its not like he missed much other than the odd hiccup from harry or a couple of Niall's extremely odd questions.
"Come on mister" i cooed to the baby on my shoulder and became to pace the living room, bouncing slightly as i went "you'll be fine, i promise" But all the sweet nothings in the world couldn't stop the boys helpless wails.
He kept squirming in my arms, like he was in discomfort. Maybe i should take a trip to the doctors i thought to myself. This has been going on for a while now and he just doesn't seem to be comfortable at all.
About an hour later Zayn walked in the door. Harry was still wailing into my shoulder and i was close to bursting into tears as well, just from listening to his crys.
"Well whats goin' on in here then?" Zayn sing- songed as he strode into the living room.
"He just wont stop zee and i just cant deal with it much longer and.." The words just poured from my mouth like word vomit before Zayn stopped me, wiping away a few stray tears.
"Hey, hey, hey, loubear. Deep breathes love, give me harry and ill try a trick or two mum thought me" he soothed, pressing a kissing to my temple as i gave him harry, wiped my face with my sleeves and sniffled.
"Hey harry. Whats all this fuss about love, hmm?" He cooed softly, cradling the newborn. Then he began to massage his tiny belly and within minutes the house was silent again.
"How in the name of god did you do that?" I asked, absolutely astonished that Zayn could calm him that fast.
"I dunno, mum showed me when Liam was a bit whingey one morning and i didn't really need to use it since then so yeah." He chuckled, gazing down at our wide eyed baby in his arms.
"So you've known how to stop him crying for the past 17 years and never shared this information" i asked, beginning to get annoyed at him.
"Well we didn't know harry would be fussy when Liam was a baby did we?" He sassed which just caused me to blow a fuse with him.
"You know, 1. You could've told me about that incase i needed it 2. You had no right to give me such a sarcastic answer and 3. You can deal with the kids for a while because I'm sick of it" i said, before storming out of the room and going upstairs to our room, where i curled up into a fetal position and just let the tears go, releasing all my concealed emotions and eventually falling asleep.


Zayn's POV

After louis outburst i just sat on the couch in silence, listening to Harry's baby noises as he clutched tightly onto my finger.
He's been very on edge lately. Since a few days after Harry's birth he just cant seem to get control of his hormones yet or something.
"I hope you daddy doesn't wake Niall up from his nap little mister. Yeah, because then we'd have two grumpy boys in this house and I'm sure it wouldn't be long until you joined them." I cooed, wanting to earn a smile but he was a bit too young for that yet.
I let harry drift off on my chest because he seemed too comfy there to move him. Afterwards i lay him down on the couch, tucked up in a blanket and surrounded by cushions so he couldn't roll off.
"Sweet dreams harry" i whispered softly, pressing a kiss to his button nose and went upstairs to find my husband.
When i stood at the door i saw he was asleep so i just left him be.
It would only be worse for me and for him if i woke him up because he would go mental.
I shut the door and tip toed down to my toddlers room as he slept peacefully, leaving soft snores escape from his mouth while his eyelids fluttered as he dreamed.
I ran my fingers through his sweaty hair and kissed his flushed cheek before going back downstairs to watch tv and correct a few tests while i waited for Liam to arrived home, fashionably late as always.
Liams POV
At dinner i could tell dad and papa were arguing earlier.
They sat on opposite ends of the table and barely made eye contact, let aline talk. And if they did talk it was to me or Niall and that was it.
"So..... How was school?" Papa asked, breaking the awkward silence that even harry was aware of because he was making a few fussy noises.
"Fine... Got another A in maths" i sighed.
"Thats great! What are you sighin' about?" Dad asked, looking up from his plate but made sure not to look in papas direction.
"Theres nothing exciting about it anymore because it happens all the time" i explained, taking a sip of my orange juice.
"Ive heard worse complaints" he mumbled to himself before the sound of knives and forks was the only noise breaking the silence again.
"Look, whats going on? Why wont you talk to each other? I just cant take it anymore!" I finally exclaimed, dropping my knife and fork in exasperation.
"Liam, just leave it be. We'll sort it later" papa scolded, making me feel small so i just quit while i still felt dignified.
"Im finished. Liam youre on dishwasher tonight." Dad said, getting up and walking away swiftly, his voice catching every few words.
He heard him run up the stairs before his bedroom door was slammed shut and the tension grew at the table.
"Your dads just a bit hormonal is all, it'll be fine." Papa whispered to me while Niall looked on, feeling confused and soon tears began to build in his eyes too.
"Aww, cmon buddy. No need for any tears yeah?" Papa cooed as Niall held his arms up to be held.Papa cuddled him close and whispered sweet nothings into his ear.
"Papa, has dad been acting like this for long?" I questioned.
"Well, since harry was born really but seen as that was only like, 11 days ago we cant really be too dependant on that answer" he answered.
"Did you ever think maybe it could be something more? Im no professional or anything but like,he wasn't like this after Niall was born." I retorted as i saw papa thinking while Niall calmed down in his arms.
"Just leave him calm down for a few days yeah? What with harry coming early and the stress of that and then he's a bit of a fussy baby on top of all that your dads just worn out" he answered before getting up and walking into the living room.
I stayed sat at the kitchen table. I couldn't help but just sit and stare at the wall and reflect on the past few weeks, i mean so much had changed. We have another baby in the house as well as new puppy, i finally learned to play a tiny bit of guitar and Sophia and i are closer than ever.
I really like sophia. Shes just got something so special about her that i just cant explain. I guess this is what love feels like. i love her.
I got up and strolled over to the sink, rinsing my dish and putting it in the dishwasher and ambled into the living room.
Papa was leaning over Harry's moses basket, checking up on him and listening to his little snuffles and squeaks as he slept wrapped up in his blankie.
"Papa? When did you realise you loved dad?" I asked, taking a seat on the armchair, close to where Niall was playing with his trains.
"Oh, well i suppose when you were born really. It was a bit of a 'moment of realisation' i suppose" he shrugged, sitting across from me on the couch with a sigh.
"Yeah, but like before that , ya know? When ye both started dating." I specified, hoping to get the answer i was searching for.
"Im not sure to be honest lad, probably when we were at the beach together during one summer and he was literally all i saw. No one else but him mattered at the time and then he decided to get stung by a bloody sea urchin" he chuckled, a massive grin taking over his face as he reminisced.
"Sounds like dad alright" i giggled. "Why'd you ask that anyway?" He enquired, looking over at me with a questioning look on his face.
"Just wondering" i replied, turning my gaze to Niall, who was wriggling around on his tummy making train noises.
"You love sophia, dontcha?" He teased, pinching my cheek.
"I think i do" i said more to myself than anyone, earning me a clap on the back.
"Make sure you take good care of her alright? You don't wanna lose a girl like that li" papa advised "but don't rush things, take your time, you're both young and you've got plenty of time to figure things out" he finished, going over to pick up Niall.
"You wanna give papa some cuddles Nialler?" He asked the blue eyed boy as he tickled his sides gently, causing him to giggle in his arms as papa wandered over to the couch and plopped himself and Niall down.
" wove you pwapa" niall lisped as he cuddled into papas chest.
"And i love you too buddy, and you're brothers as well." He spoke in a hushed tone as he rubbed soothing circles into Niall's back.
"Li? Care to join us?" He invited, extending one arm so i could crawl in and settle into his side.
"I love the way you're not ashamed to have a cuddle with me or your dad even though you're 16 and 'too cool' for all that stuff unless its with a girl" papa whispered into my hair.
"Ill never be too old papa." I answered seriously "and even if i was 18 id still be coming over for cuddles"
We stayed like that for at least an hour, enjoying the comforting smell of my papas cologne as we sat and watched frozen.
"Li?" Dad whispered after a while, making me look up at the scruffy looking stubble that dusted his cheeks and chin.
"You'll always be my little boy. Never forget that"
Something deep inside me stirred, its moments like this that are worth more than a billion christmas presents. The love shared between all of us was so strong and even if sometimes dad and papa would fight or niall would drive me around the bend, we all know that in the end we will always have one another and what more could anyone really want?
"Don't worry papa" i replied with a smile "you and dad will always be my best friends as well as my dads"
I don't care what people thought of me, just as long as i had my family everything would work itself out.

(A/N 5K! Thank you all so much for reading this book :) i hope you're all enjoying it! Also biiigggg merry christmas to everyone and i hope you all have a great new year! :D)

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