'Daddy-son' time (part 2)

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(a/n: just a quick warning, there is some smut at the end of this but i will tell you when it begins and ends so if you dont like that kind of stuff just skip that part. Thank you! :))

Zayns POV

"Pwapa.." A small voice interrupted my sleep, followed by tiny fingers poking my cheeks. "Pwapa.. Wakeys" wait a minute thats Niall. After the realisation hit me i woke with a bit of a start. "Yaay" Niall cheered throwing his arms in the air. All i could do was laugh at his reaction. " hey bud, did you find that funny?" My voice was thick with sleep. "Yeah pwapa and i scawed you!" He chuckled excitedly. "You did little man. Now, what would you like to do before liam comes home?" I ask, fixing his hair that was sticking up in all directions.

"pwapa, we pweeeeeaaaasssseee get sweeties?" he looked up at me doe-eyed. Louis doesn't usually allow niall much sugary foods. i really dont understand why like, he doesnt go hyper or anything. "ok, but this is our little secret alright?" i whispered to make it seem more important, even though louis really wouldn't care "yeah pwapa! i no twell dahhy or Li-Li or i no twell anyone" he whispered back, his brows furrowed and eyes wide. If you were to go by the look on nialls face youd swear his life depended on this secret."good boy" i praised picking him up and walking to the kitchen to the press where we kept sweets.

The press was stocked with chilli heatwave doritoes, skittles, black liquorice (one of louis many cravings) and a few types of biscuits but nothing that would appeal to niall and im really not in the mood to deal with one of his tantrums. "mmm... i think youve been such a good boy today that you deserve something extra special" i say closing the press. All niall could do was squeal with excitement. He couldn't even talk he was so excited. I love when he gets like this. " I think we should go to the shop and buy some ice cream" and with that his eyes bulged out of his head with excitement .

"YEESSS PWAPPA YWESSS!" he shouts, flailing his arms and legs around the place. "alright, go get your shoes and ill get the car ready" I set him down and he toddles off to find his shoes while i grab keys, my wallet and niall's jacket. It's not long until he toddles back over with a shoe in each hand. "hwere pwapa" he lisped holding his shoes up until i took them. i sat him on the bottom step of the stairs and wiggle his little foot into each shoe, letting him pull across the velcro straps by himself, because he is starting to go through that independant phase, and with that i brought him to the car, strapped him into his car seat and set off towards the ice cream parlor.


"I wan da bwue one" Niall stated after about 5 minutes of him sticking his hands and face to the glass in the ice cream parlour choosing a flavour, but for him it was a big decision. "What do you say?" "Pwease" "that's my boy!" I laughed and ruffled his dirty blonde hair.

"Thank you barbra" i smiled as i thanked the lady behind the counter, a friend of mine from when i used to work here back when Liam was a baby. "No problem Zayn, talk to you soon! He's a right little munchkin, so he is" she remarks, talking about Niall, who tried to win her over by showing her his amazing light up runners. He's gonna be a charmer.

I held onto one of Niall's hands as we walked out of the ice cream parlour. He only had the ice cream about two minutes and theres already more on his face than in the cone. I cant help but chuckle as i snap a quick picture and send it to louis, he's gonna love this!

"Hi papa!" I look up to see Liam. "Why hello son, wheres sophia?" I asked standing up and taking Niall's hand again. "I was just walking home actually so shes in her house. Can i get a lift home with you?" He asks, well that was a stupid question. "Of course li, silly question love." I answer and we begin to stroll back to the car.

"You enjoying that ice cream Niall" Liam snickers as Niall just hums in satisfaction "you're gonna need a bath after that, look you've got some in your hair and all" he chuckles and Niall just giggles back at him. "Cheeky monkey"

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