A Trick or Treat?

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When you know you've been discovered in the act you play. You can't help to lie in your own way. But you look into his eyes and you know that he ain't buying what your selling. So you wait for the perfect moment to trick him again. But for now you wait...

With the little Trick you will play.


"Tooth...I'm breaking up with you." I spoke.

Her eyes widened as her lips parted, wanting to speak but faltered from doing so. She looked down, her eyes turning dark as her hands became fist within her lap. Her wings poised and ready to jump for any moments notice. A quick get away and a scream.

"Why?" Her voice was quiet, but her tone was harsh and cold. I struggled to speak, feeling her rage from within her as it radiated out and above. I was now consumed in a invisible cloud of red.

"Why Jack?! Why?!" She repeated. Beckoning for an answer from within my mind.

"Cause...I don't love you anymore Tooth...I'm sorry." I spoke quietly. Watching her shaking form.

"Why? Have I done some thing wrong? Is there...is there someone else!"

"No Tooth there is no one else." I lied. Making sure to sound as believable as I could as I spoke between clench teeth.

"Then why?! Huh! Why??"

"Cause I just don't love you anymore!" I countered and the next thing I knew...there was a sting within my right cheek.

I didn't see her get up, I did not see her walk to me. Nor did I see the hand that slapped upon my cheek. An action so unexpected that it made me do a double take. I would've never thought that she would hit me, but she did. And I was surprised that she had the will to do so. Still feeling her ball of rage, I looked upon her. Her magenta eyes turned to a deep, dark, purple. Eyes that were filled with nothing but hate and frustration. Her lips were in the complication of being a frown or a scowl. Her wings raised behind her as they slightly fluttered with rage. This was one of those moments were you want to run, but deep down...you know you have to face it alone.

"You coward!" She hissed. Her lips moving as if she was baring fangs that would not appear. Moving her lips as she was about ready to growl. "How dare you! You......you are fool! You stupid fool!"

"Tooth-" I tried to shut her up but she cut me off.

"You selfish bastard! How could you do this to me! To me!! How could you! I loved you! I cared for you! I should have...I should...I should've never used that-" she stopped. Her voice dying off as she quickly covered her hand with her mouth. Acting as if she was just about to give away the biggest secret of the century. One of my eyebrows rose, giving her a look that was both pissed off and yet curious as hell.

"What? What should've you never used? What did you do Tooth?" I growled, snarled even. At hearing the rage within my voice, she regain her posture and reinforced her enraged facade. And in sharp poisonous tongue she said...

"I should have never wasted my time upon you! You brat!" And with her voice, that grew louder and louder, she did too. Instead she rose higher and higher as she spoke. Speaking as she casted her shadow down upon me. Her wings flapping vigorously as she waited. Waiting to make sure that she was ready to walk out that door and with one look in my eye...she knew. She fell, her feet landing against the floor as they made the light sound of flesh against stone. She gave me one last look and she turned. She walked without making a sound, her wings at ease as she stood tall and proud. She did not utter a word or gave me a rude gesture. No, she walked and when she got to the door, she hesitated for a moment. She looked down and I watched how her eyes dance from one spot to the other, mentally arguing with herself. To stay or to go. Truth was she really didn't have a choice, I didn't want her to stay...so she had to go. She closed her eyes and inhaled. Her head moving back up as she inhaled the air and her eyes opening in the gab between the two doors. She walked out and no, she did slam the door. She closed it with a click and I sighed as I held the table that I leaned upon behind me. Allowing my head to fall forward as I look upon my pale feet that resided upon the floor. I stared into the space between them and I can only think of one thing and one thing only.

A Snowflake becomes A Storm Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now