Bond of Sisters

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Even in a time of celebration, my mind still can't rest easy. I chuckled, I guess you taught me well...didn't you? I thought as I looked up at the portrait of my parents, feeling the tears pull at my eyes. taught us well. Even when I had to go off and save the world, your youngest daughter held the fort. She endured the challenges and the responsibilities of having the crown, she has done well. you think she can accept what I'm going to ask of her?

It's been a month since we came back to Arendelle. Occupied with preparing for Anna's wedding while my own engagement ring hugged my finger. I couldn't help but smile from the thought of my little sister getting married. Thank god it's a man who actually loves her and not one she saw at first sight. I rolled my eyes, disgusted at the thought of Han being my brother-in-law instead of Kristoff. Dodged a bullet there didn't we, I laughed to myself.
After saving the world I was recognized as an official (actual) guardian, immortal and unchanging. Me and Jack were rewarded with a place that we could call our own which we plan to move into once we get married. Haya destroyed Yami's shadow so it couldn't hurt anyone else while Pitch and Saraphine try to make a new seal on Yami's prison. Making sure she has no contact with the outside world ever again. Making sure that things like this will never happen. After that they plan to move in together and spend their days in bliss. Though I recently heard a rumor that a proposal was on the way. I hope Saraphine picks me to be her maid of honor, I thought with a chuckle. After the battle Tooth and I laid our quarrels to rest, though we still can't seem to get over that awkward barrier of "oh, you tried to kill me". I've already forgiven her, but she can't seem to stop beating herself up over it. Poor girl...we misunderstood each other the moment we locked eyes. I wondered how things would have been if we had became instant friends. I wonder how things might have been if...if I haven't met them at all.

It would be a very sad life if I haven't.

     The moment we separated Yami's shadow from Tooth the spell broke and the other three Guardians went back to normal. Though dazed and confused, we had a lot of explaining to do in order to catch them up. Of course we're all friends again, despite them pouting that we kicked their butts. North went back to his toys, Sandy his dreams, Bunny his eastern island, and tooth her fairies. Alls well as ends what I want to say. But of course the thought wouldn't dare slip from my lips. People like us...beings like us do not get a happy ending. Don't get me wrong there's a time where there can be nothing but happiness. But...we're always waiting for when the world needs us again. For when the world needs the Guardians to keep it in check. We always have something to do before the happiness can begin. And I...still have one more thing left to do.

I sighed and continued my way to Anna's room. Peeking in from the hall as the maids helped her slip into the white gown. She finally decided on a traditional white, princess-style wedding dress. The sleeves puffed at her shoulders before contracting back at her arms in ruffles. A tight corset hugging her slim torso as it was decorated in pink ribbon that started in a criss-cross pattern right below her chest. The dress blooming into a large bell around the hips with white lace adorning the undercarriage of the dress. Her hands were adorned with lacy white gloves that went all the way up to the middle of her forearm while ginger hair was left loose with spring flowers threaded into it. White pearls pierced her ears as she decided to leave her neck bear of any jewelry. A maid coming up from behind with the crown on a pillow.

"Where shall I place your crown your majesty?"

"Place it in my sister's room, she's gonna need it soon." She replied as she looked at herself in the body length mirror before her. Taking in every detail to find the littlest mistake to fix.

"That won't be necessary." I replied.

"Your majesty!" The maiden's bowing quickly once they noticed my presence.

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