Chapter 7~ Dreams~

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Cyril's POV

I groan as soon as I open my eyes. A bit movement already made my head hurt.

"Don't move a lot Cyril.. You're still a bit weak." An unfamiliar voice said. I quickly turn to look at who it was.

"Who are you?" I managed to squeak out.

"Calm down. I won't hurt you. Anyways, I'm Nash, Nash Grier, Zayn's cousin" He said, smiling at me.

I just nodded and just relaxed back down. I wonder what happened...

Then it all came flooding back at me. Red eyes, fangs, strong grip.


I quickly put a hand on my neck and sure enough I felt two small holes.

"Nash? Are vampires real?" I asked. Nash scratched his neck and was about to answer when the door opened.

"How ya feeling Cyril?" Zayn asked as he and the boys entered. Now that I think about it, I'm feeling okay now. Well, a bit.

He sat on the other side of the bed and started running his hand on ny hair. "About your question awhile ago, yes Cyril, vampires are real" He said. So they exist.

I nodded, scared. "Please get me away from vampires..I-I don't wanna feel them sucking my blood again.." I said, looking up at Zayn. He frowned slightly "W-We can't promise to get you away from them Cyril" He said.


"What...Why?!" I yell out, standing up from the bed. They promised to protect me!

Zayn looked at the other boys like they're having a mind communication.

Liam was the one who spoke and what came out from his mouth shocked me.

"It's because you're currently living with vampires."

All of it distracts my head, making my brain think a lot. From the day I ran away, to the day the boys kidnapped me until them telling me they're vampires.

I can't take it anymore and I fainted.

Zayn's POV

Shit she fainted.

I stood up and ran at her in vampire speed, just in time to catch her and lay her back down on the bed.

"Want me to erase that memory again?" Niall asked.

"No Niall." I shake my head. "It's time for her to know that vampires are real. And we're one. It's a good idea we told her now rather than her, finding out what we really are in an unexpected situations" I continued and he just nodded.

I noticed Liam enter the room with the diary in his hands. "Zayn, like what I said before...Why is she human if she's your mate? It states here that your mate can be any creature except human" He said.

I sighed "We'll find out soon." I said.

Cyril's POV

Why am I here?

"Hello?" I call out, hoping someone would come and help me out of this place.

I continue walking around the dark forest when a familiar voice called out to me.


I turned back around and saw my parents. Tears started running down my cheeks. I didn't hesitate and run at them, attempting to hug them but they moved back and held an arm out.

"We're dead Cyril. You know that.." Dad spoke.

I just nodded, still crying. "Why am I here? And so are you?" I asked.

"Cyril, baby, we just wanna tell you something very important..It concerns your humanity." Mom started. "You aren't what you think you are Cyril" Dad continued.

Mom nodded. "Cyril, as much as we don't want you to know until you turned 20, we have to tell you now. Cyril, you're a half angel, half vampire but being a vampire will be your main since you're the destined one to kill the enemy. That might sound ridiculous but it's true. The stsr tattoo on your left chest was there since you were born so it's like a mark. Your mate has the same. You two shall work together to defeat the enemy" She finished.

So..I'm not human..

"Mom, how did that happen? You two are human."

"That's what you thought baby. We're not. I'm an angel and your father is a vampire." She explains, showing a tattoo or mark on her wrist. I noticed the same mark on my father also.


"Why am I human if I'm an angel and a vampire?"

"You're an angel right now Cyril. But since your main nature is being a vampire, your angel traits, wings and abilities are hidden. Vampire, you have to have your mate turn you. That will also be the time you'll be able to learn how to use your angel traits."

I just nodded "Do you know who is my mate?" I asked.

They looked at each other and nodded. "He's with you. You already know him Cyril." Dad smiled.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"Zayn" Mom answered. I didn't react anymore considering I already know him and that he's like me.

"Who is our enemy?"

Mom was about to answer when the dark forest started shaking. "I'm sorry Cyril! As much as we wanted to tell you, but it's time to go! We love you Cyril!" They said as a tree starts falling their way.

"Mom! Dad!" I screamed and shot up from my bed, breathing heavily. I looked around.


I can remember what my parents said. Guess I have to tell Zayn about it.

But, why did the forest started shaking when Mom was about to tell me who the enemy is?

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