Chapter 11~Held Captive~

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Zayn's POV

I continued being dragged along the woods to where the others are and gets tied up on a tree too.

"Now, look at that. Almost complete! Now we just need Cyril" Louis smirks as he leans on another tree.

"She'll come. Soon" He laughs evilly and his other companions join him.

Cyril, oh please be safe.

Cyril's POV

I open my eyes and everything I see was like HD. I try to adjust at my sight and sit up, feeling a massive headache. "Uggh.." I groan as I turn to look beside me, only to be met by a mirror and gasp at what I look like.

My once long blonde hair was a bit shorter. My skintone as pale as a snow and my eyes slowly turning from blue to red.


I feel a pain on my back. I let out a yelp as I arch my back, feeling the pain. After awhile, I felt the pain go away. I turn to look at the mirror again to find pure white wings on my back.


This is it. The real me.

I stand up, only to be met by blurry surroundings and it immediately changed and see the boys tied against the trees. I shake my head and my vision turns back normal.

I can see what's happening.

I quickly ran downstairs using my vampire speed and goes out. I smell my surroundings to know where they are. I immediately found their scent and I flew up  and fly to where they are.

I land on a nearby tree and looks down at them. This is it.

"Louis!" I yell as they all snapped their heads up and tries to find where the voice came from.

I jump down from the tree and glares at him. "Let them go" I say coldly. I don't care if he's my brother.

"Oh no, that wouldn't happen step sis" He smirks as the boys look at us, shocked.

Step sis?

"Oh let me tell you a family story" Louis started. "Cyril here, is the one I used to call sis. We were very inseparable back then. We share everything to each other. But there are things I'd rather keep to myself and our parents" He smirks.

"I was adopted by Minerva and Daimon Tomlinson, the parents of Cyril, a few years before Cyril was born. They chose not to tell anyone, even their own children that I'm adopted or else, they're gone. Years went by, Cyril was born and we treated each other like real siblings until at such age, I turned vampire naturally. I didn't told them what happened that's why even our parents doesn't know what I really am and is capable of.  I kept having nightmares about me, killing our parents for a few months and that's when I did what made Cyril's life a misery" Louis started, looking at all of us.

"It was a Thursday morning. Our parents' day off from work. I went out that time to meet with my real parents and find out what I really am. Turns out I'm the next in throne dark vampire leader. They told me that it was a plan to give me up for adoption to the Tomlinson couple for they will bear the child that is destined to kill me. I went back to our house and killed them both, leaving Cyril to suffer and get beaten by me" Louis finished as he circles around me and the boys looking at us in shock.

So he knew it since the beginning! Everything was planned by his parents!

"Fuck you and your parents!" I scream, glaring at him. At this moment, I don't look at him like the brother he was but as an enemy.

I'll get back on you Louis.

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