One Major Bump

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You were speechless. You never thought that anyone would find out. Let alone, people you barely knew. They didn't even know you and they already knew this much. You felt so exposed, like someone had ripped the covers and your clothes off. You wanted to pull the covers back, but they were in and iron fist.

You were silent and looked back at Kyoya. His arm was in a sling. Was that because he caught you? Do you end up dislocating his shoulder? Mori's eyes were still on the ground. Hikaru and Kaoru were watching you closely. So was Tamaki and Honey.

You looked down at your hands. "I didn't think that it mattered." you said, soft and quiet.

"It does matter. It makes things a whole lot worst for you than it is for us!" Tamaki shouted. You were taken back by his yell. You never saw Tamaki like this. He seemed thick head and a softy. "Believe it or not, the host club is a family and that means we watch out for each other!"

"Boss! What are you doing?" Hikaru hissed.

"No! She should have told us!"

"I-I've only been here for two days-"

Tamaki slammed his hand down on the table. "Do you know how long you were asleep? A week! That isn't nothing! You could have died! And you're trying to tell me it's nothing?!"

You opened your mouth, but only squeaks and sounds would come out. Your heart monitor start beeping. You felt your heart pound in your chest. It was loud. It was fast. It was painful. You couldn't breathe. Whether it was your heart or your shock, you couldn't tell.

Two nurses and a doctor rushed in. "Sirs, you need to leave please." Tamaki's face fell. He looked so sorry and confused. The nurse took them by the arms and ushered them out.

"No!" Honey cried. "I need to stay here with ____-chan!"

You were panting loudly. Your vision was filled with spots, and the rim of your perspective got blurry. You wanted to yell at them all to be quiet, but you could only watch in despair. As your friends were pushed away.

You felt a shot on your arm. Your body felt heavy and your relaxed all of your muscles. The nurse looked at you and smiled. "It's okay, miss. Everything is going to be alright."

Boys POV~~

Tamaki punched a wall. "Dammit!" he shouted.

Mori looked down at him. "Stop it. You'll only make it worst if you talk to her like that. Now, I doubt that they'll allow more than one person in at a time." he explained.

Honey was sitting on the bench, holding his precious pink bunny tight. "____-chan, is sick. And she might not be okay." He sniffled.

Kaoru sat down next to him. "It's okay. Everything will be alright. We aren't going to give up. The carriage has just hit a bump in the road."


"Nothing. Just a personal thought."

"Tch!" Hikaru said. "This is one major bump. If anything, I would call it a river. First, she doesn't even live with her dad. She lives in a run down orphanage. She probably can't get adopted. Second, she has major trust issues that cause us to worry. Thirdly, she has a heart condition. Her heart is too small for her body to sustain. And all we did was test her and push her out a window!"

Honey burst into tears. "We're murderers!" he shouted.

"Hikaru!" his brother shouted. "Was that really needed?"

"Are we gonna lie to him and tell him everything is fine and dandy? Look through the window, Kaoru! She has tubes in her nose, one covering her mouth. She's hooked up to a heart monitor! She has an IV tube in her arm, she's hooked up to anesthesia AND she's lying in a hospital bed with zapper things, so if her heart stops they can electrify her back!"

"Will you all shut up?" They all turned to see Haruhi standing a few feet away. She had a few barrettes in her bangs. She wore jeans and a pink tank top. "You guys want to help? Stop arguing over her like she's a lamp you found in a dump. She's a human being with feelings, memories, and dreams. She's worrying you? There's obviously a deeper meaning to why she didn't tell you. Think about it! She didn't tell you about this because she doesn't want to be exposed and judged by some rich kids who think they know it all."

Haruhi pointed to the window. "Help her by being there for her, and not keeping her in a cage with a food dispenser. She's not a rat. You can't experiment new ways with her. Treat her like person, or all you get is the shell."

She adjusted her strap and turned away. "I came to say that my dad and I are going a few cities over to look at the colleges. Don't be so thick headed while I'm gone." She waved goodbye, and walked down the hallway.

Kyoya pushed up his glasses. "I vote we each get one on one time with her. We need to get to know her as a friend. Not just some human. Who's getting to first shift?"

"As King! I should be the one to watch her."

"As a person who actually didn't insult her in anyway, I should!" Kaoru stood up.

"I came up with the idea, so I believe it's only right if I-"

"____-chan is my friend so I want to be there for her."

Hikaru stepped in. "I'm more realistic, so I won't get carried away by my personal feelings. Cough cough, Kyoya!"

"Excuse me?"

Mori got close, casting a shadow on them all. "Stop fighting. I'll go first."

And with that, it was decided. Mori would go first. Together they would try to get to the bottom of the questions that clogged their minds.

I thought that was nice. I had a little trouble figuring out how the twins would act because in the show the seemed so similar. Then I realized Kaoru is an Optimist and Hikaru is a pessimist.

I hope it was good cause I really like it! Thank you! Ilygsm!!

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