A/N: The 4th part! I hope you enjoy.
I think I preferred it when he hated me! Really. It seemed as if Rich was shooting me a concerned look every five minutes and whilst I had tried to act as if he wasn't annoying me, the disgruntled look on my face definitely gave me away.
"Will you stop that, please?!" I sighed in exasperation, after he had looked at me in concern for the 10th time in 10 minutes.
Rich looked a little annoyed at my words. Almost as if he didn't seem what was wrong with blatantly staring at someone....insufferable boy!
He didn't stop, though. I couldn't help wonder why he was concerned about me. After all, he had been acting as if he hated me and looking at them constantly to see if they were upset, was hardly a normal thing to do.
"Stop,what? I haven't been doing anything to you! And I haven't done anything to you.“ He told me, in a matter of fact way.
It was as if he was trying to say that it wasn't him who had upset me. Yeah, no shit Sherlock! God, this boy's intelligent!
As we were on our way to the next class, I had to refrain myself from saying something along the lines of 'well- apart from you being in my life' but no matter how upset and annoyed I was, I knew it wasn't his fault.
"We're here." I told him, as we approached the classroom door.
Rich simply looked at me as I leaned against the side of the class room waiting to be let in. Given how enthusiastic I had been to get away from the common room, we were very early.
We fell silent and whilst we were, I started thinking about Cal again. What would I do when I see him again? More importantly, what would he do?
As I looked at Rich, I noticed he was talking and it seemed he had been for a while. I started blushing, something which never looks nice, and I looked at him slightly apologetically.
"What were you saying?" I asked him after a moment.
The look he gave me, at my words, I couldn't decipher and for some reason, it made me feel slightly apprehensive.
"What's wrong with you today? Your behaviour obviously got Katie concerned which suggests you crying isn't a normal occurrence." He explained to me.
I gaped at his words. He was basically calling me a cold hearted bitch! Nice, just what I wanted to be called!
I had thought he was concerned about me but it didn't seem like it. It just gave him an excuse to insult me. So, I was definitely not telling anything about Cal!
"Nothing's wrong. Why do you care, anyway? You don't know me!" I pointed out to him, grimly.
Yeah, he hadn't known me for twenty-four hours and he already despised me, let alone knew me properly. Imagine how he'll feel when he finds out about ALL my defaults. He'll feel it's Christmas for insults!
Richard yet again looked uncomfortable but this time I didn't feel responsible. I hadn't caused it, he had. If he had just let me wallow in my own hurt and grief and not started to stare at me, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Rich didn't have time to respond as Mr Hale opened the door to his class room and ushered us in. At the sight of me, he looked slightly surprised.
I bit back a smirk. His lessons weren't exactly my favourite and if I could get out of them, I would. Richard had, of course, ruined that.
"Hello, sir." I called to Mr Hale, warily.
Mr Hale was a young man as he couldn't be older than 25 but he had a tendency to blame everything wrong about the class on me. I mean, there wasn't anything I disliked about him just the fact he always tells me off and no-one else.
What was so wrong with me that he always and I really do mean always say that I'm disrupting his lesson?
I had told Katie before we had broken up for the holiday that one day I will disrupt his lesson just to piss him off, because for once I will have actually done it.
"Sarah. Nice for you to turn up..." He told me, darkly.
As I approached the desk Richard had chosen, I swore I heard Mr Hale mutter: "For once." under his breath.
I quickly sat next to Rich and as I did so, I noticed him put on a pair of glasses. Either I was even more unobservant than I thought I was or he hadn't had them on earlier.
"Did you have them on earlier? Because I swear you didn't." I told him, as I took my belongings out of my school bag.
Surprisingly, Richard started to chuckle at my words which was slightly weird.
"No, I didn't. I'm sure you would have noticed if I had been wearing glasses." He told me, after he had stopped chuckling.
Something in the way he had said it, made me feel slightly offended. It had made it seem as if I wouldn't have been caught dead with someone wearing glasses.
He had obviously judged me but I knew that. I am a lot of things, mostly involving something about parties but I am not that bad!
I would never judge someone without at least talking to them and giving them a chance. I had after all been nice to him.
Well, I had tried but in my defence it wasn't as if today was a normal day. It's not every day that a cheating scumbag ex barges back into your perfectly normal life.
At least I hope not. My sanity would definitely not bear it.
A/N: Please comment and vote if you have liked this!! I appreciate it.

Boys, Purple hippos and Drama! The story of a sarcastic, party girl!
Teen FictionSarah Hardy, 18, is a normal teenager. Sarcastic, moody, and most importantly a partier. She's happy with her life. It's easy, normal and she knows how to deal with it. However, when she meets Rich a somewhat geeky gorgeous boy, she not only learns...