Chapter 8

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I couldn't believe what these last two weeks have brought. I literally met Savannah three weeks ago and it feels like I've known her for a year. I practically know her schedule by heart. I've mastered times when I can talk to her. I honestly don't even mind staying up late and arranging my day as best I can around it. But even despite talking to her every day, I want more. I know a lot and I want to know more. How could I be so crazy about a girl I've known for two weeks? It seems impossible. This can't just happen.

My mind is all over the place during this afternoons work out with Mark. I can't help but constantly check my phone to see if she's texted me that she's done with classes yet. I knew she had a busy day of tests and did not want to distract her.

"Mate, you've been here thirty minutes and have checked your phone ten times. What's going on?" Mark asks clearly fed up at my lack of interest in this work out.

"Just waiting on a text." I coyly reply.

"I know you, and you don't hang around on your phone unless it's important. Don't think I haven't noticed you've been a bit distracted during these workouts lately. Is something going on?"

"Nothing bad."

"Then what's up? It's like ever since.... Ever since you've came back from your trip to the states." He starts as I can see the lightbulb go off in his head and the grin cover his face, "That's it. Something happened when you were over there. You met someone didn't you?"

I can't help but smile, "I did."

"Well why have you been holding out on me mate!? Craic!" Mark responds.

"I wasn't trying to hide it but I've only known her two weeks. I haven't even told the lads yet."

"How come?"

"Well partly because I don't know if there will be much more to tell."

He looks at me with a confused look and I go on to explain, "Mark, I really like this girl. More than I've liked any other girl."

"So why would there not be much more to tell?"

"I'm so into her. I mean we met and instantly connected, she's great. I told her before I left I wanted to get to know her more and she's let me. It seems that she's interested in me but to be honest, I can't fully tell."

"Well this definitely doesn't sound like the Niall I know."

"Mark, I'm telling ya. This girl is a game changer."

"She has to be if she's doing this to you. Why don't you just tell her you like her?"

"I don't want to freak her out or scare her away."

"Mate, I can tell you're into her. You just have to tell her. If she's interested she will tell you. If she isn't then it saves you from getting more invested and get your heart broken in the long run."

"I suppose." I say still unsure of how to go about this.

"She's American I'm assuming?"


"You know, the one thing I've found out about American's is they're usually very straight forward and to the point. What's her name?"

"Savannah." I reply as a smile immediately comes to my face without me even thinking about it, and I see Mark grinning.

"Well, if Savannah is feeling the same way you feel I don't think you'll have a problem." Mark says as I hear my phone go off. Mark is reluctantly giving me a little break to text her, I think he feels bad for me to be honest.

This Strange Thing Called Love: Beating Heart (A Niall Horan fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now