Chapter 28

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The next morning I am woken up bright and early by Sav's alarm. I have to say with the way the last week went I am beyond thrilled to be waking up in bed next to her. Last night she fell asleep before I did and I just laid there for a while watching her sleep. I could tell she was sleeping peacefully and it was all I needed to then fall asleep myself.

I can tell when we're getting the last of our things together that there's somberness in the air. Sav is preoccupying herself with getting her things together to distract herself from the fact she is leaving Liv. The way these two are, you'd have to see it to believe it. I'm almost surprised they aren't a package deal.

I start configuring Sav's tiny car since she clearly can't. I hate to brag but I'm pretty good at configuring things into small spaces. She leaves me to it trying to help but I just shew her away to give her the extra time she needs with Liv. I finish configuring the last of our things into her backseat as I say goodbye to Liv. I have to say I was surprised I didn't hear anything from her about our fight. But I'm sure Liv was there for Sav the entire time. I really liked her and hoped she liked me. If she didn't have Luke I'd try and set her up with Harry or someone but I know how much she's into Luke.

We hit the road and I am honestly not prepared for how plain the drive is. I've seen cornfields but there's a lot of nothing on this drive. Sav does a decent job of keeping me entertained she asks me a lot of questions about my childhood and growing up in Ireland and comparing the stories to when she grew up. Even though I grew up in a divorced home we were both brought up very similarly, which I loved. We agreed on a lot of the same things. We take a final bathroom break about an hour away from her house as she ensures me we are on the home stretch. She doesn't lie when an hour later we are pulling into her driveway. I am astounded when we pull into the subdivision alone not to mention her house. It was a lot bigger than the house I grew up in.

"This house is huge." I comment.

"Yeah.... We moved in right before Austin started his senior year of high school," she says opening the front door, "Come on in, I'll show you around."

It was a two story house with four bedrooms and six bathrooms. How this house had six bathrooms is beyond me. The house is on a decent sized property with a two car garage and parking on the side of the driveway, I can see through her patio when we walk into the kitchen they have a decent sized backyard which features a pool. They have a formal dining room, front room, a huge kitchen, and off to the right there is a sunken in den which has comfortable loungers, as well as a laundry room on the main floor. She shows me their renovated basement which features another rec/den type room with a pool table and air hockey table which I believe doubles as a ping pong table. I see two different gaming systems which I'm assuming are her brothers. This is where they also have another bathroom and an office she said her dad works out of.

She explains to me the basement wasn't anything like this when they moved in. That they did a lot of work on the basement and turned it into what it is. She says it's a big step up from where they used to live, and her dad had gotten a better job and they saved for a while before getting this house.

She then takes me upstairs and points out her parents master, a guest room, her brothers old room which I can tell is now a room for her nieces and finally she opens the door to her room. It's a little bigger than her bedroom in her apartment which is still pretty big. But I now understood what she meant about the calming aura of her room. We both plopped onto her bed and let out equal sighs and I feel something jump up on her bed. I lift my head up to be greeted by a small four legged creature with big blue eyes looking at me.

"...And last but not least this is Kitty," She giggles as I let my hand out for the cat to sniff me as she rubs her head against my hand and lets me pet her, "She likes you."

This Strange Thing Called Love: Beating Heart (A Niall Horan fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now