HISTORY IS OUT!!! PREORDER THE NEW ALBUM TO GET IT!!! but on another note please don't leak the boys' songs. They've worked so hard on them and chose their release dates carefully. Don't take that joy away from them please.
@harrystyles: my boys are coming back today! don't know how much I've been waiting for this day! @louis_tomlinson @niallofficial @fakeliampayne @zaynmalik
@bella.tommo: was I not enough for you?! @harrystyles
@harrystyles: you made me buy you Starbucks EVERY day... @bella.tommo
I chuckled at that. It was true. Call me a sugarholic, but hey, a girl needs her Starbucks. The boys were scheduled to come back today, and I could tell Harry was dying to see them.
I looked across the living room at him. He was smirking at his phone screen, probably watching some weird porno. JUST KIDDING! Learning how to make the best kale protein boost more like...
@bella.tommo: you didn't seem to mind when you bought your kale shakes along with my psl :P @harrystyles
@niallofficial: you two bloody idiots are sitting right next to each other! Get off your damn phones and talk! -_- @harrystyles @bella.tommo
I snapped my head up from my phone towards the window I'm surprised I didn't give myself whiplash. An Irish Blondie was staring at me through the window, an incredulous look on his face. I squeaked and sprinted the front door, banging it open and running into his arms.
"NIIEEEEELLLLLL!!" I cried, koalaing him. He laughed and hugged me back.
"Hello to you too Bells," he beamed. "Were you good for Harry?"
I got off of Niall and looked down at my bare feet. Was I good for Harry? I turned around and saw him eyeing me in the doorway. He would rat me out if I lied, but is get my ass kicked if I told the truth. Life is hard...
"50 50" I shrugged. I didn't really lie. I just didn't exactly tell the truth.
Niall looked sternly past me and at Harry.
"Is she telling the truth? Because you know I'm older than you; I can beat your arse if I find that you're covering for her" he threatened. Aw Neil, such a joy kill.
"She only got in trouble once," he stated plainly. That wasn't a lie either. Let's not push it further :/
"For what?"
You just had to ask a follow up.
"Oh spit it out already Harreh!"
"shesneakedoutofthehousewhikebeinggroundedandwenttoaclubinbroaddaylightandgotdrunkandhighandihadtocometorescueherandshewasoutforabout7hours" he mumbled. I don't know whether it's an Irish thing or Niall has just been around Harry for 3 years, but he somehow understood al that... gibberish.
"What did you give her?" Kill me now please.
"150" No emotion, nothing, zip, nada.
Niall nodded and let himself inside.
"Well, you seemed to have learned your lesson. Don't ever do it again, yes?"
"Yes sir" I mumbled.
We all sat on the couch and watched Teen Wolf marathons until the rest of the boys came back.
RandomIsabella Tomlinson used to know her brother like the back of her hand. Key word "used". Now, he might as well be a complete stranger. She doesn't want anything to do with him; not after he left her for the fame and money 3 years ago. But when she's...