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👍Lydia's POV👍

It's been 1 week since my mom had died and I really miss her. She left me a note, a plane ticket, and my passport so that I could travel to Mystic Falls to find my dad. I've never met him before, so i'm really nervous. I don't know what to expect at all, anyways I have to go to the airport tomorrow at 6am. I know what you're thinking, how can a 5-year-old little girl know where to go? Well, for starters I am really smart for my age. Oh, I also forgot to tell you guys I'm part werewolf, part vampire, and part witch. I'm pretty much fearless nothing really scares me. Anyways, I went up to my room and started to pack my stuff and everything. I looked at the time and it was 8:30pm, so I decided to go to bed.


I got up at 5:00am and got in the shower. When i was done I put on some black leggings, a gray shirt, a cute sweater, and my combat boots. I put my hair in a half up-half down hairstyle and but a white bow on my hair. After I was done I ran downstairs and ate some cereal. When I was done eating I decided to just use my super speed to get to the airport. I boarded the plane and as I sat down I was wondering how my dad will react to me. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.


I woke up when the lady on the intercom said the plane was about to land. As it landed this nice lady who sat next to me helped get my luggage. I thanked her and then I was off to find my dad.I arrived at my dad's house and it was HUGE!! I couldn't believe it. I walked up to the door and knocked on it. I heard someone scream "BLODDY HELL, WHAT DO YOU WANT" and then a guy opened the door. Just by looking at him I knew he was my dad because we looked really similar.

"What do you want?" my dad said.

"My name is Lydia and you are my dad" i said. He looked shocked and frozen.

😈Klaus's POV😈

I was painting something, when I heard a knock on the door.

"BLODDY HELL WHAT DO YOU WANT" I screamed. I went to open the door and there was a little girl who was around 5 or 6 years old.

"What do you want?" I said.

"My name is Lydia and you are my dad" the little girl replied. No this can't be I don't have a kid. I don't remember anyone telling me they were pregnant with my child. I stood there in shock and I stayed frozen in my place.

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