~Mystic Grill~

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👧🏼Lydia's POV👧🏼

We got to some restaurant that said Mystic Grill and before we even stepped foot inside my dad had this look that I get when I don't get food.

"They're here" my dad states, more directed to Rebekah than me.
I can see my aunty roll her eyes and let out a sigh.
"We'll just have to ignore them for right now," Rebekah stated before bending down towards me " If someone talks to you don't answer at all, ok?" She finished stating.
In response I nodded my head because the only thing I was thinking or even caring about was the food behind those doors.
My dad was the first one to make a move and opened the door for both Rebekah and I. Instantly a table with a group of teens looked our way, well more like glared our way.
My dad and Rebekah ignored them and walked right past them, but I know they did not just let them get away with those glares. It was at this moment that for some odd reason I decided to disobey the first rule my aunty told me not to do; spoke to strangers.
"Excuse me, but I just want to know what animal raised you people? I have never met people so rude as to-" before more words could come out of my mouth I felt a hand wrap around my mouth and whoever held me, which I'm pretty sure was my dad,walked away but as I looked back the group of teens all had this amused look on their faces.
"Why would you do that Lydia?" my aunt questioned. All I managed to do was shrug my shoulders.
I looked back at the group of teens because for some reason I wanted to talk to them. I don't know what it was about them, but I was intrigued.
That afternoon all we did was eat and go back home we didn't associate with the group of teens anymore. My dad told me it was time to go to bed and for the time being I had to sleep on the most uncomfortable couch ever.

👩🏻Elena's POV👩🏻

Bonnie, Caroline, Stephan, Damon, Tyler, Jermey, Matt, and I were all seated at a both at the Mystic Grill when all of a sudden Stephan and Damon said that they think Klaus is here. I got a bit nervous because you never know if you are safe when Klaus is in the same place as you are.
Moments later the door opened to reveal Klaus and Rebekah and we all glared at them as they slowly walked past us.
"Excuse me," we all looked down to find a little girl just standing in front of us. She looked so adorable, but oddly resembles Klaus a lot. "But I just want to know what animal raised you people? I have never met people so rude as to-" the little girl got cut off by Klaus who came behind her and cupped her mouth with his hands to prevent her to say anything.
We looked at her as she kept glancing at us with amused faces because it was like an adorable rant she was going on.
"You guys wanna head back to my place" I asked the group and they all nodded so we left.

When we arrived at my place we all sat down in the living room and stayed quiet.
"So, any idea who that little girl was?"
I questioned.
"Never heard of or seen her before" Damon replied with a light shrug.
"But she does look like Klaus, like a lot" Caroline blurred out .
"Yeah almost as if it was his daughter" Bonnie added on.
"You don't think that could be his daughter right?" Tyler questioned.
" Mm No idea, but I think I'm going to find out" Damon replied with a smirk on his face as he walked out of my house.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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