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👧🏼Lydia's POV👧🏼

I was a bit confused when I woke up from my nap, but I could hear two voices speaking in the hallway of the house. I decided to tip toe my way to the open door and hear what the people were saying.

"How did you not know you had a daughter this whole time?" I heard the woman from earlier ask.

"I don't know?" my dad thought. "I thought I wasn't able to have kids at all." My dad finished saying.

"Well you do have one and you better go check on her" the woman said. I then began to wonder who this woman really was. What if she is dating my dad? Oh god no that would be disgusting. I began to hear footsteps coming closer to where I was so I had to use my super speed to run back to the couch.
As I laid myself back on the couch I felt someone put their hands on my shoulders trying to wake me up, so I sat up a little and saw that it was the woman.

"Hey Lydia are you hungry?" The woman asked, but I wanted to ask a question of my own first.

"Not to be rude, but who are you?" I asked curiously. The lady laughed at how my question came out, but proceeded to answer.

"I'm Rebekah Mikaelson. I'm your aunty!" She said over excitedly. I looked at her shocked I really have an aunt this so cool!

"Really!" I said happily, but then I realized I forgot to answer her question." I am hungry by the way" I finished speaking.

"Ok then lets go get some food" my aunt Rebekah said. I nodded very quickly and she just chuckled. I looked over at my dad and he just looked deep in thought.

"Hey dad are you coming" he snapped his whole neck to where I was standing and for the first time in those few hours that I have known him he smiled.

"Yes sweetie. Lets go get some food!" My dad said as me, my dad, and my aunt Rebekah walked out the front door.

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