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😋Lydia's POV😋

I can sense what my dad is feeling and honestly it's kind of funny. I read his thoughts and I couldn't help, but chuckle a little. I was trying to ask if I can go in, but he wasn't talking so I just decided to make myself at home.

I pushed my dad a little and began walking into the house. It was huge and you would think I would probably want to explore the whole house, but only one room interested me at the moment. That room would also be considered the kitchen. I was starving and I smelled all kinds of food. To simplify the situation I was in I would probably just say 👧🏼+🍪=❤️💥
Then again doesn't everyone feel that way when it comes to food.

I sat down to eat when all of a sudden I see my dad super speed into the kitchen. It seemed as if he wanted to attack me, so I decided to have a little bit of fun. I made myself invisible before my dad could actually attack me. Which ended up with him running into a counter. I began walking towards him and decided to flip him a couple of times. I wasn't going to stop, but then I heard footsteps approaching the kitchen. I was still invisible and my dad was on the ground and let me tell you he looked like he wanted to kill someone.

The kitchen door swung open and revealed a women with blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked mad and bored at the same time.

"What the bloody hell are you doing on the ground Niklaus?" The women asked with curiosity laced in her words.

"I just tripped on a chair nothing to worry about" my dad explained. I knew it was a lie so I began to laugh, but then I realized the I'm invisible not mute. I looked up and saw my dad looking around angrily and the women looked confused.

"What the bloody hell was that?" The women asked looking mad.

" I don't know" my dad said looking around the room like a crazy person. I decided that I might as well show myself. As I showed myself the lady looked at me as if I was a weird person.

" Who are you?" The woman asked curiously, that was the moment that I realized that this lady sure does ask a lot of questions.

" My name is Lydia and this is my father" I said pointing to my father on the ground. The woman looked at my dad and let out an awkward chuckle.

"We'll be right back Lydia" the woman walked towards my dad and she dragged him out the room. I got super tired so I just decided to sleep on the couch for a couple of hours.

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