Chapter seven

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         We walked around a bit and rode a few rides. We would all take turns staying with our stuff. It was my turn to watch everything. So Katie and the guys left to ride something called the tornado. I stayed back and sat on a bench with our stuff. There are very few people around. I'm sitting near a little ally way in between a bathroom and some art building. I look over at Katie and everyone else and see they just got on the Tornado. I see them smiling with joy and anticipation. When people around me are happy, it just makes me feel so happy. I saw something move in the ally way.

         I look over there and see a black figure. I'm calm thinking that its just a parent waiting for his or her child to get out the bathroom. About another thirty seconds pass and he or she are still standing there staring at me. I'm a little weirded out by this. That person is just watching me. I get up about to go confront this person, but right when I stand up someone grabs my arm. I look back to see Louis and the other behind him.

       Louis says "Where are you going Jake? The ride is over". I say "There was this really creepy person watching me". I point in the direction the ally way is but no one is there. Katie says "Ummm, yeah. No one is there". I have a look of shock on my face. I say "But... but... someone was just there watching me while y'all were gone". They all have a look of confusion like they think i'm crazy. Harry says "I think you've been in the sun for to long". He laughs after he said that. Maybe it was just in my head. I mean this it my third time waiting and watching the stuff. I am really tired of walking so much too. 

      I look at them and say "Yeah, maybe your right. I am pretty tired of walking and I don't get out much". Zayn says "Are you all right? Do you want some water?". I take a sip of water and pass it back to Zayn. Liam says "Yeah, we've been out here long enough. What time is it?". Niall looks at his watch and says "Its 5:22. We should go out and eat tonight". Niall started to beg everyone to go to a restaurant. Everyone agreed and said they were hungry also. Zayn looked at me and said "Where would you like to go Jake?". I blush having everyone look at me. I've never been good at making decisions. I say "I don't know, Its fine with me. Where ever you want to go". Zayn gives me a flashy smile and says "Okay, How about River Cafe? It has amazing Italian food". Everyone agrees that sounds like a good place.

     The drive there only took about ten minuets. We arrived to a beautiful restaurant with outside tables surrounded by a beautiful garden. I say "Can we pretty please sit outside? It looks so awesome". Katie says "I agree with Jake, it looks magnificent". They all say yes so we sit at a table for seven. I'm the first one to sit down. Katie sits on my right. Zayn looked like he was about to sit beside me, but Niall got to it first. Zayn looked really disappointed. I'm a little sad he didn't sit with me too, but I quickly erase the thought. 

         A waiter who looks to be around eighteen walks up to are table. He has tan skin and short blond hair. He looks like he played sports in high school. He has a swimmer build body. He gives us the menus and says "Hello, My name is Finn. What would you like to drink?". I ask for sweet tea and so does Katie and Zayn. Niall asks for a coke, while Louis and Liam ask for some water. Finn writes down the order on his note pad. Before Finn leaves he smiles at me and gives me a wink. I blush really red. Zayn looks at me then looks at Finn, but Finn has already left. Zayn looks back at me with a curious look. I try to ignore it by saying "So what is good here?". Niall pipes up and says "Everything is amazing here". He smile widely while Katie laughs. 

          I look at the menu and decide on some mozzarella sticks and some pasta. Finn walks back to our table and says "Do you know what you'd like to eat?". He passed the drinks out and then took out his note pad. Niall orders something called nandos. I have no clue what those are. Louis orders a little peperoni pizza. Liam and Harry order garlic bread and spaghetti. Katie orders chicken paresan pasta. Zayn order the same thing I do. When it was my turn to order Finn said "And for you cutie?". I was never so red in my life. I blushed a deep bright red. I looked at Zayn and Niall who both looked pissed. I say what I want and Finn gives me another wink then walks off. After Finn leaves there is an awkward scilence between all of us.

        Harry says out of no where "Well I think he has the hots for you". Harry gives me a wink and a suductive smile. I turn red again and look down at my feet. Liam said "We have a gay man as our waiter". Harry laughs and says "Lets hope he dosen't give us a disease or something". Liam laughs and says "Yeah, he is probably wishing he could be all over us right now". I get so pissed at them for saying those things. Just when i'm about to say something Zayn and Niall both stand up and yell at them. They scold them saying "Whats wrong with being gay? You three need to shut up and quit making fun of him". I'm on the verge of tears. They start to argue saying they were joking. Katie puts her arm around me and defends me by yelling at Harry,Louis, and Liam. 

        I've had enougth, so I stand up from my chair and say "I got to go use the bathroom". I walk away from them before anyone could say anything. It took me awhile to find the bathroom, but I finally did. I walked in and as soon as I saw no one was in there I started crying. I don't know why i'm always crying. I haven't always been like this. I was the strong one in the family. I would be the only one not crying watching sad movies and things like that. Ever since they died all I do is cry. I quickly wipe my tears once I heard someonw walking in. 

     It turned out to be Niall. I look away, because i'm so embarressed. Niall puts his arm on me and says "Hey, don't listen to them. They were joking, but they were being jerks. Katie, Zayn, and I scolded them for it. They said sorry. They can't help it that they don't know your gay tho". I nod while wiping my tears off my cheeks. Niall puts his hand on me and looks me in the eyes. Then he says "I'm gay too". I stare at him with complete shock. Before I could say anything Niall pulls my head to his and he slowly starts to move his lips to mine.

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