Chapter nine

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        Aria says "Hey, sorry i'm calling later then I meant". I smile hearing my sisters voice through the cellphone. I haven't been away from her this long before. I say "It's alright, We just got here about forty minuets ago". Aria says "Oh, good. Well the doctor said the baby is doing wonderful". I say "I just can't wait to see him or her". She laughs and says " I can't wait to get this thing out of me too". I laugh and smile. She says "So are you okay? Have you thought about them since you've been there? I mean, do I need to go over there and take you back home? I know you're still hurting  and I just don't want you to get in any more pain then you are already in".

       I frown and feel like I just got hit by a bus. My head starts to hurt. I say "I'm fine. You need to stop worrying. Its bad for the baby". I can tell she feels like i'm not being honest. She says "Okay, well.... you would tell me if something is happening, right?". I look down with a tear falling from my right eye. I say "Yeah, of course. Ummm, I got to go. Katie and the guys are waiting for me to play some board game". She says "Oh, ummm, okay. Well I love you.... have fun". I say "I love you to Aria". I hang the phone up and slide it in my pocket. 

       I try my hardest not to cry. I don't like lying to my sister, but I can't have her worry about me every second of the day. Ughhhh, Why can't I just disappear from all of this drama. I pull myself together and walk over to my bedroom door. As I open I see James standing there. James says "Oh, sorry Jake. I thought you were down stairs with the others. I was just coming here to clean your room". I nod and let him through. I say "It's fine. I was just leaving". He nods his head and says "You look pale, here have a water". I say "Thank you". Then James closes the door as I walk out. I find it odd that I didn't see any cleaning equipment with him. I shrug and take a sip of water then I start to walk down the stairs. 

       I walk down to see everyone in the living room eating brownies. Niall, Liam, Harry, and Katie are on the couch. Louis is on the chair. Zayn is on the love seat. Louis sees me and says "Hey, Jake! Come sit with us and have some brownies". I see that the only place to sit is with Zayn on the love seat. So I walk to the love seat and I sit down. Zayn gives me a look and I give him a sly smile. Zayn says "You want a brownie? I made them with my own secret recipe?". He gives me a puppy dog face. I swear it was one of the cutest things. I smile and say "Sure, just one piece". Zayn gets up to get me a piece and walks back. He hands me the brownie. I smile and say "Thanks". 

       I look at Niall, but it seems he is ignoring me. I frown on the inside. Harry says "Were about to play ether CLUE or LIFE. What would you like to play Jake? Katie, Louis, and Zayn voted LIFE and Liam, Niall, and I voted CLUE. I look at every single one of them. I don't know what to choose. I like both of them. I look at Zayn and say "LIFE is a fun game". Harry sighs and says "LIFE it is then". Harry jumps off the couch and grabs LIFE. I choose to be the blue car. We play LIFE for about an hour and a half. Katie almost won, but Liam past her by one move and won. 

       My head starts to hurt again, so I tell everyone I need to use the bathroom. I get up and walk to the closest bathroom. I walk in and look through the medicine cabinet for some pain relief. I find some Ibuprofen and take two pills. I look at the mirror and then I turn the faucet on. I put my hands in the cool water. Then I splash it on my face. I look back at the mirror and it looks like i'm feeling a little better. I wipe my forehead and fix my hair. Then I walk back out the bathroom. 

       I walk over to the back yard. There is a big sliding glass door. I figure maybe if I get some fresh air I will feel better. I walk outside to see the lake. The lake is extremely beautiful. It is dark outside, so the lights of the city reflects on the water. I lay on a lounge chair and take a deep breath. I lay there for about five minuets. Then I hear someone opening the back door. I look back to see Zayn.

       He smiles and says "What are you doing out here? I thought you went to the bathroom". He has an expression of worry on his face. I smile and say "I did go to the bathroom, my head is hurting so I took some pain pills. I just thought some fresh air would help too". He smiles and walks over to the lounge chair beside mine. He says "Do you mind if I sit here with you?". I smile and say "Not at all". He sits down beside me.

      I smile and look at the lake. He takes a deep breath also and looks at the lake. He says "One of the most beautiful things I ever seen". I smile and say "Yeah, it reminds me of a quote". Zayn turns to me and says "And what quote would that be?". I smile a big and silly smile. I say "That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful. A man named Ninon De L'Enclos said this". Zayn looks like he is concentrating real hard on figuring out what it means. He says "So it can be compared to a rose. A rose is beautiful, but it can cause pain. Something like...lets say a flu shot, it hurts, but in the end it is good for you".

     I laugh and say "Something like that I guess". I start to giggle. He gives me a funny face then sticks his tongue out at me. I stick my tongue out back at him. We just laugh for what feels like hours, but actually about two minuets. He gives me a big cheeky smile. I blush bright red on my cheeks. He surprised me by saying "Why do you always blush around me?". I look at him in shock. I say "I don't know, I just get red easy". He laughed and then gave me a questioning look. I look away from him and mentally punch myself. 

      He grabs my shoulder and turns my head towards his. I look into his eyes. He says "Do you like me?" I don't know what to say. If I say yes, would he hate me? Is this a test? Is he tricking me? Wait, do I like him? Why should I care if he hates me? Ughh, I just don't know. I think I do have feelings for him, but I can't act out upon it. That would devastate Niall. I haven't thought about dating anyone since the accident. Actually, I haven't dated anyone before that ether. I thought of it, but never acted upon it or wanted it. I can't like Zayn. That would destroy him. How would the fans or press think about a gay boy flirting with Zayn. I can't ruin his reputation. Okay, I've decided to say no. But just before I could say anything I felt Zayn's lips on mine. This time I didn't push away, this time I wanted it. Then I see nothing but darkness.

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