Chapter 14

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The doctors said I made a remarkable recovery that was legendary in the doctory force. Since the drug David had calmed my body, it helped pain the pain process and my neck injury didnt puncture anything serious- Thank God. Officer Webster and Officer Waley signed out the hospital and they gave me perscription pills in case of any pain . My first stop was to see David. I put on some extra makeup around my eyes and the swelling around my face didnt go down at all. I was completely unreconizable. "You two can't be in uniform, you have to be dressed casually." I said, as we sat in the parking lot of the bar. "What do you expect us to do? Go by Kmart and grab jeans and a shirt?!" Officer Webster still wasnt keen on following me around to solve whatever mystery about my 'death', but Officer Waley was so generous that he convinced him. They left to go dress casually and left me there to go investigate quietly and hiddenly. Although I had other plans, I wore darks kinny jeans, boots, a half shirt and a jacket topped off with sunglasses and a high ponytail to hide my exterior. When I walked in, adrenline rushed through my veins and I swallowed hard, nervous to who I would see which ended up to be no one. Nick wasn't bartending, just some younger lady with a lip piercing. The Beatles played on the jukebox and I walked over towards her, tapping my fingers on the table. "Is Nick here?" I ask as if I were annoyed. She doesnt look up at me, "Nope." She says flatly. I roll my tongue over my lips and cross my arms, "Well when will he be back?" I ask with an attitude and she finally looks up at me. "Listen sweetheart, if youre some baby mama you might as well leave now cause he'll ignore you any way." She says glaring up at me. "I'm not a baby mama. I'm his sister." I say, fibbing trying to come up with a random lie. "Stephanie?" She suddenly enlightens. "Um..yeah. Duh." I say, running my hand through my ponyail. This cant be good. "Well then you already know about what happened." She says leaning in, looking at the oblivious customers. "The girl," I mumble matter of factly. "Yeah, he left with David to the New Jersey Turnpike. They'll be back soon to get Tank if you want to wait for him." I dont think I want to wait, I wanted to get them by surprise. No hints. I wanted to end them. I wanted to see them hurt. The sad part is...this isn't me. But now it was...when they took my innocence...they took the old Ellie...and everything I loved. "No. I'll be back later." I say, finally sighing feeling sick to my stomach. I walked slowly to the back of the building, towards where I got my tattoo and slumped in a chair. Maybe I could get the tattoo into a smiley face or something. I chewed on the inside my lip and rubbed my forehead. "What would you like ma'am?" It was the older man with tattoos that covered his arms. "Oh nothing..just...thinking about what I want." I whisper, inhaling.

"Take your time, this is something you really need to think about before you do it." He replies, smiling a cheeky smile, plopping his feet up on the table. "What if I regret it?" I ask, trying to hide my eyes behind the glasses. "Then you didnt really think about it before you do it." He said, simply shrugging. "What if I think it's right in the Heat of the moment?" I feel tears in my eyes now. I didnt cry about it yet...why now? I felt like I was breaking. "Listen honey. You're young, you got yourself going on. Doing something as daft as this could do more than you think. If you dont want to do it...dont do it. Then again you could always change your mind." Maybe the man was right. But I wasn"t talking about getting a tattoo, I was talking about taking a life. "Wait a minute ma'am. Where did you get that tattoo?" He asks me, looking at my finger. Oh shit. "Oh, back in my home town." I reply nervously. "I gave a young lady that same tattoo a few days ago... but she's..." His voice trailed. "Dead?" I whisper. "Ellie?" The strange man whispers. "That was her name?" I stutter and look away. "No..that's yours. Ellie, you're alive.." He looks at me relieved...his eyes wide and a sad smile on his face. "How do you know me?" I whisper, taking my sunglasses off. "You didnt notice me before? I'm Brittanys dad." Brittanys dad? I had only met him once, back when I first met Brittany. I didnt remember him at all, but with the cheeky grin, a rush of flashbacks washed over me. "G-Gale?" That's what everyone had called him, that's what they knew him by. "Thank goodness you're alive. What are you doing here? You need to leave! Hide!" He says, standing up and shutting the door. "No. Where would I go? I have to find Anthony and I have to take care of Nick, Tank and David!" I say, folding my arms trying to suck up the tears. "No you dont. You have to tell the police."

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