Chapter 21

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Everything happened so quickly.

"Well when did you come up with this discovery?" David says humorously.
I press my lips together, trying to gather the strength to look into Anthony's blue eyes.
"I'm pregnant. That's all that matters. I have the papers to prove it." I whisper and pull into my pockets and grab the paper that clarified my pregnancy.
"It be a shame if it wasn't his baby." David says craftily.

"If you had proper calculations you'd know that you had your demented henchman invade me four days ago. So your little plot to knock me up with their baby failed. I'm 5 weeks along." I say turning to face his chubby distraught face.
In a split second Nick threw his arm back and punched Anthony in the stomach.
I quickly turn around to see David disappear and I run towards Anthony but I notice, Nick just did that to get Anthony out the way.
He wanted me.
He charged at me, his gaze aimed toward my stomach.
He wanted to kill my baby.
I backed away trying to inch for the door and when he's inches away, Anthony grabs him from behind. Punching him in the face and they tumble to the ground.
I bite the inside of my cheek and my eyes search for the gun, but I barely have time to even look to my left when suddenly I'm on the ground and Nicks on top of me. "You ungrateful little bitch. I'm tired of you coming back to life when you deserve to be dead." His words meant nothing to me and I didn't even over think or even try to process it.
Suddenly Nicks head pounces and he slides off of me and I notice Anthony hit him in the back of the head with the butt of the gun.
Anthony aims it towards his face and I feel the tension growing.
It runs deep, deeper than just me. This was his family we're talking about.
"You're the reason my mothers dead. You don't even deserve to live." Anthony spats in a disgusted tone. His hand is shaking and he looks over at me. "Belle, go back outside." He says slowly,
He was going to kill him, but didn't want me to see. But I watched him kill my best friend for crying out loud.
"No. I'm staying." I demand. "Damnit Eleanor, this is no time to be stubborn. Outside. Now." He says sternly and I press my lips together.
I wasn't going anywhere.

As Anthony sighs, I hear feet rustling and then, "Freeze. Drop the weapon and put your hands flat on the ground." It's Officer Waley and Webster.
I swallow and look up and he motions me on my feet.

"Nick is it? Youre under arrest. We found drugs in your apartment and pictures of females you were going to use for human trafficking. Also for rape and attempt to first degree murder." Then three officers approach him and Anthony remains still. They put handcuffs on Nicks wrists and drag him out and I look Officer Webster who looks at Waley. "I told you we should listen to her. Didn't I? Now look at us. We saved the day." He says in a deep monotone chuckle. Waley has his lips pressed together and a corny smirk grows across his face. "Okay. That was pretty cool." Waley says nodding in agreement. "I see two extra powdered doughnuts in your near future." Webster says wagging his finger.

I smile and stand to my feet and walk towards Anthony. "Thank you." I say to the two officers. "My pleasure. You two should get to the hospital to check up on baby." Waley advises. He say "on baby" that made me smile. "David." Anthony says in a hushed tone. "We're looking for him, we won't rest until he's caught. Dead or alive." Officer Webster says.
"Can you give us a minute?" I whisper and they nod, "We'll be right outside the door." Waley assures.

As soon as the door is closed, I kneel down next to Anthony. "Eddie was my brother." He says simply. I suck in a sharp breath of air and look at my fingers. It takes me a moment to gather my strength to even talk.
Don't feel betrayed. Don't feel betrayed. I remind myself quietly.
"Same parents?" I ask and he shakes his head.
"When my mother was kidnapped raped by Nick, they did that as a warning and when they discovered she was pregnant, they had to release her. After having two sons out of saving debt, that shook David up. So they kidnapped her again and..." His voice trails off and he inhales.
His soft blue eyes are hazy and I lean towards him, pressing my head on his chest.
"I killed Eddie because we promised each other something. We did it to gain David's trust. But you can see how everything happened. It was for....nothing, It was planned, we were going to tell you at a proper moment. He wasn't supposed to die in front of you. But we were ambushed and he asked me to." He pauses and my eyes press together as I remember Eddie standing next to me . But he was so calm. He looked at Anthony with so much trust.
"Anthony. Please." He whispered.
Then the gunshots.
I felt my chest constrict and tears escaped from my eyes.
This was too much to bare and I didn't need to be stressing since I was now with child.
"I'm so sorry Eleanor." He whispers softly and I feel his lips pressed against my forehead. All I can do is nod and sniffle.
"I want a paternity test." He suddenly says.
"What? Why? It's yours!" I exclaim.
"I can't take any chances. I want them in our past. I need to know for sure." He says calmly and I smile, "I understand." I sigh and stand to my feet, bringing him along with me.
I agreed.
They were our past now.

As badly as I wanted Nick 6 feet under, once we arrived at the hospital, butterflies fill my stomach.
"Dr. Shleen?" I say as I walk up the front desk.
"Ms. Mupenda. Back already?" She says with a wide grin. "Actually for a paternity test." I whisper and her grin falls into a concerned expression.
"Just to be sure." I quickly add.

Dr. Shleen gives Anthony a small cup for his...extractions and he looks at her strangely as she walks away, "How am I supposed to get off?" He asks and I slap his arm. "What? This is a hospital and that is a medical question!" He says wildly,
"That's not medical, that's perverted." I say, folding my arms across my chest.
"I can't get off to these 8os Playboy Magazines. Who beats off to Playboy anyway?" He says, tossing the magazine to the side.
I sigh and bite the corner of my lip.
"How do you get off?" I ask nervously and he smirks, "Only off of you." He replies in a deep tone.
I lock his gaze for a moment and my eyes widen, "I know what you're thinking! No way pretty boy." I say backing away.
"Oh come on. She locked the door." Anthony says raising his eyebrow and walking closer to me. I nervously back into the wall. "But you know I'm loud. We have witnesses." I remind in a whisper.
"I'll cover your mouth." He says, his voice growing more sensual.
Got damn this man was insatiable. "I-I'm pregnant!" I say with a nervous chuckle.
Really? That's why we were here!
"Ah ah ah my dear. You can't use that excuse for another 6 months." He reminds cautiously and smirks
"You can't have any help!" I babble.
"Il pull out." He says with a shrug. "You should've done that 5 weeks ago." I murmur. "But that wouldn't have saved our lives." He says playfully and taps my nose with his finger.
"No. No sex in the hospital." I say crossing my arms firmly,
"It's on my bucket list. Places to make love to my girlfriend." He says and I roll my eyes.
"What's number one?" I whisper,
"In my old bedroom, in the house my parents were killed." He says with soft eyes and I suck in my cheeks.
No morals Anthony Lebeau?
"We aren't having sex." I repeat. "Making love." He corrects.
"None of that." I say with a sigh.
He pauses and looks up at me.

"Can you at least strip or pull up your shirt so I can see your tits?" He asks, like a little kid and I roll my eyes again, "No. Use your imagination." I suggest and shrug.
"So you want me to imagine it being your hand and not mine?" He asks and I nod. "Or my mouth." I say with a shrug and his eyes widen, "We never did that before. Interested in trying?" He asks and I sigh.
"I'm already carrying your kid. I don't need them in my mouth." I tease and he chuckles.
"Or better yet, instead of your mouth....your tight warm-"
I stop him, before I end up jumping his bones.
"I get the picture. Just don't forget to aim pretty boy." I remind and put his little cup in front of him and slipped out the room.

Anthony came out of the room with a red face and his glossy-after-sex- eyes. I looked at the cup and covered my mouth.
"That's a lot." I whisper and cover my mouth. "Hey, it's been awhile and I have needs and I was thinking about you and it came out like a fountain. Not my fault." He says turning away from me and I giggle. "I'm glad I missed the first shot. If that was in my mouth I would have drowned." I joke and he smiles sharply, "Or if it was inside of you, it would've given you twins." I slap his arm at his smart remark and he turns and hands Dr. Shleen his container. "Sorry. You have a nice issue of Playboy. Very sleek." Anthony says with a nod. I hit his arm again and he shoots a look at me, "Why would you say that?" I ask, holding back laughter. "Look, I didn't want to offend her for not using her magazines. They're probably her husbands." He says with a shrug.
"Dr. Shleen isn't married." I say blinking,
Anthony scoffs, "No wonder. It explains a lot." I smack him again, "Look, we're going to have to come back here from all the brushing you've left my arm the past 15 minutes." He says and I smile,

Moments later Dr. Shleen confirmed that Anthony was the father and he looked at me with wide eyes . "I'm going to be a daddy." He whispers and I nod.
"You are." I whisper back and Dr. Shleen says, "Would you two like to see your baby?"
"Yes. God yes, of course."
Anthony says quickly.

As we prepare for the ultra sound, Dr. Shleen rubs clear cream through her hands and on my stomach, "What is that, lube?" Anthony asks and I smack his arm. "Woman." He says simply.
"You're so immature ." I giggle and he smiles.
After a few more moments, on the small monitor above us...there our baby is.
Distinct but there.
"There's your baby." She says and I look up at Anthony.
The once playful look across his face was replaced with a soft and gentle expression.
Tears were in his eyes,
"Oh my God," he whispers. The whole moment was surreal. I couldn't even begin to touch it, explain it.
"Would you like to know the sex of the baby?" She asks and I look back at him.
"Do you?" He asks me and I nod.
I couldn't contain my excitement, I want to know, needed to know.
"Well, but the way the baby's forming,
You're having a girl."
My heart beats out of my chest and he looks at me, years in his eyes.
"Baby. It's our baby. Our baby Girl.We're going to be parents." I say, covering my mouth as I cry happily,
His face falls. "What if..." His voice trails off. "What if what? You aren't a good father?" I ask and he smiles sadly. "Anthony, I can't imagine anyone else being the father of my Daughter. Your past doesn't define you and won't define him either. New beginnings, starting with our baby." I assure with a smile.
He leans down and presses his lips to my forehead and then moves down to my stomach.
"This cream stuff is making my lips tingle but I don't care." He says, placing soft kisses on my stomach and I giggle.
"Any names to think of?" He asks, which already makes me excited.
"I always loved the name Mia." I say with a smirk and he kisses my stomach again.
"Mia it is then." He says and I see he still seems nervous and off.
"We'll figure this parent thing out together," I assure as he sits up and kisses my lips.
"Together." He echoes and he presses his lips to mine, sealing our promise.

"But if she comes out with your attitude, we're going to have a problem," He adds and I hit his arm for the 5th time. "Anthony!" I shriek and he chuckles. "Joking my love." He teases and whispers soft sweet French words to me and in that moment.

We are infinite.


You guys already know what this is.
You guys have been so great. Dealing with my late updates and everything.
This book right here is my baby. I want to give a big fucking shout out to
@MiaKitten for her nonstop support.
So I named the daughter after you!!

Black N Blue forever & if you still aren't convinced....I have a Epilogue planned.
Filled with what happens to David and Jessica and Carrie and our beloved couple Ellie and Anthony.
But if you really want it.
All of you . Everyone who's reading this book. VOTE AND COMMENT THE HELL PUT OF THIS CHAPTER.

I'll post the Epilogue by force from you guys but just for motivation.
Thank you guys for reading this book.
This book has over 10,000 reads and has hit #50 in Romance and Non- Teen Fiction,
A thousand kudos to you guys.

I love you all so much my French crumpets!
Long Live Black N Blue!!

R.I.P Courtney

R.I.P Jeremy

R.I.P Brittany

R.I.P Eddie

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