Chapter 3

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The atmosphere turned to be extremely awkward as both of us stared at the couple seats that were right in front of us.

"You know what? Maybe we shouldn't watch the movie after all..." I said quickly as I attempted to exit out of the cinema hall but froze the moment Ravi grabbed my right arm.

"But you paid for the tickets! So we shouldn't waste them at all. Come on, I won't do anything to you." Ravi replied as he dragged me to our seats forcing me to sit down. How could I resist him when he has way more muscle mass than I do?

"Sorry Ravi... I didn't know that I actually purchase couple seats! Sorry!" I apologized as he waved aside the apology.

"It's fine! We are supposed to be on a date! So I think its fine to sit on couple seats. And, these seats are surprisingly comfortable!" He replied as he bounced up and down on his seat like a little kid as I smiled at his antics, as though he was a little boy that never grew up.

The movie commenced and while Ravi was immersed in the whole movie, I wasn't enjoying myself as much as I am supposed to. With Ravi sitting beside me with our shoulders brushing each other and the heat that Ravi was radiating; I felt that I might just die from the skin ship. And just when I thought the movie wasn't awkward enough, I opened my eyes wide in horror as I noticed the couple that was sitting right in front of us began to make out then and there.

I immediately glanced at Ravi to notice that he had spotted the personal time that the couple was having and swallowed his saliva involuntarily. I could have sworn if there was sufficient lighting, he would be bright red as I am right then.

"The movie was really good don't you think?" Ravi commented as both of us left the cinema hall after the end of the movie. I nodded my head in agreement, despite the fact that I was so distracted by my surroundings that I may have missed certain important parts. As we exited the theatre, we realized that the sky was turning dark, hinting us it was almost time for the date to draw to a close.

"Shall we head back to the agency now? It's getting late..." Ravi continued as he glanced at the watch he was wearing as I nodded, since we were given a specific time to be back at the agency.

We strolled along the streets silently, both of us preoccupied with our thoughts. Honestly, I had such a fun time with Ravi today. I thought I would be so pressured and nervous because he was an idol. However, much to my surprise, he had made me so comfortable that I almost thought he was just an average guy that I would love to date. As we continued along the streets, I remembered the present that I had been carrying in my bag.

"Before I forget, this is for you Ravi." I said of all a sudden as I pulled a gift bag out of the shoulder bag that I was carrying and handed it to Ravi, who took the bag with a confused expression on his face.

"Can I open it now?" Ravi asked while I nodded as he opened the gift bag carefully. His eyes sparkled as he pulled out a black knitted beanie from the bag, with "VIXX" being sewed at the side.

"Hope you like the present and sorry for the shabby knitting." I continued as I scratched my head out of embarrassment while deep down I was praying that he would like the present.

"You knitted this all by yourself?" He asked while I nodded. He immediately removed the cap that he was wearing and wore the knitted beanie over. He turned and gazed at me once he was done.

"Do I look good?" He asked while I nodded my head. It was the truth; he suited extremely well to the knitted beanie, much to my surprise.

"Now I feel bad, I did not prepare a present for you and all." He said in an apologetic tone as I waved off the apology.

"Don't be! I am glad that you liked the present!" I continued, giving him a wide grin.

"Well, if I didn't get to be on this date with you, does that means that this beanie will be going to one of the members?" He asked.

"I don't think so... I knitted the beanie because I think you would look good in it. I doubt I will give it to the other members." I continued as he seems to be extremely delighted with my answer.

"Thank you ___, I really loved this present and I will treasure it!" Ravi said as he grinned widely at me.

"Can we take a photo with you wearing my beanie?" I asked as I pulled out my phone as Ravi took his place behind me while we took the photo. Just when I was about to keep my phone back into my bag, Ravi stopped me.

"Erm... Can we exchange numbers?" He blurt out as I looked at him, stunned. RAVI IS ASKING ME WHETHER WE CAN EXCHANGE NUMBERS.

"Su...Sure!" I replied, obviously unable to contain my excitement as I handed him my phone. He keyed his phone number and pulled out his phone and handed to me, which I did the same.

We reached the agency shortly and realized that we were the first group to return. We were debriefed and were told to write a letter to each other to signify the end of the date. After the completion of the letter, I returned back to the studio to notice Ravi waiting for me inside. I passed him the letter while he passed me his letter as well as a paper bag.

"Good bye hug?" He asked as he opened his arms wide as I smiled at the idol and stepped into his warm chest. It really feels good to be honest.

"Thank you." He whispers into my ear.

As I exited the agency, I felt a little empty. If only the date will never end. Walking a few more steps, my curiosity got the best of me as I opened the paper bag to take a look at the contents. As I pulled the gift from the paper bag, I noticed it was a Voodoo album with Ravi's signature on it, addressing it to me. I opened the letter next.

Dear ____,

I am glad that you had picked me as your date today because I had never met someone of the opposite gender that I can connect to so well in my whole life. Never in my life had I felt so comfortable and I really enjoyed your company for today, though I felt apologetic for not being able to treat you as a princess as what I wanted to today.

Thank you once again and I will take great care of the beanie that you had knitted for me. Hope to see you soon at VIXX fan meets, concerts or any of our events! You will always be my number 1 special fan. And just so you know, you are never average in my eyes. To me, you are one of the most amazing women. Your kindness, thoughtfulness and sweetness are so captivating!

I smiled at his last sentence, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. Just when I was about to close the letter, I noticed his small writing at the bottom.

Ps: I will text you later. :P

I smiled, knowing it won't be the last time I will meet Ravi. 


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