11; Knowing everything

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Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.

-Albert Einstein


"... And that's how I got here... with Winter." I finished off my whole story. It was hard... re-telling everything that happened when me and Reid were kids. Well.. not everything. But the main idea. Still... It was hard as crap.

Dash hadn't said a word since I started, which scared me. He was just over there holding his head and almost ripping his hair out. Which I'm guessing meant his head hurt.

He sighs and stands up, walking towards the bathroom. "I'm sorry. I need to take my medication." He takes out a small bottle and my eyes widen.

Why would he take Beta-Blockers?

I jump up and grab his wrist before he could pop one in his mouth. "Woah! Are you crazy?!" I yelled. He furrows his eyebrows. "What?"

"Your taking propranolol." He shrugs. "Yea, so?"

"You don't have social anxiety."

He furrows his eyebrows, confused. "How do you know that?"

"People with social anxiety aren't good with people. They blush almost twenty four seven. They have rapid heartbeats, shake, and tremble. You don't do any of those."

He scoffs. "I do around you." I sigh. "Dash you said you lost your memory in a car crash three years ago?" He nods.

"Beta-blockers can be used for memory loss. Mostly in traumatic ones but since you takes these daily.... thats why you still don't remember anything from before the car-" i stop.

Why would they give this to him?

Wouldn't they want to remember him from before the crash? Especially if Brim was dat-









I can't believe it. I was so stupid to not see it before. There's no way Brim was dating Dash before the accident. Brim was in my school, trying to take Reid from me. They didn't lose no damn baby.... I lost mine.

I gasp and cover my mouth, staring at Dash with wide eyes. I slowly back up, shaking my head.

He puts down the bottle and walks towards me. "Eden... Eden what's wrong?" I walk backwards, faster, crying. "There's no way." I mumbled.


I fall backwards and land on the floor. I just crawl backwards until my back hits the bed. I pull my knees to my chest and stare up at him.

He furrows his eyebrows and crouches down in front of me, holding himself up by grabbing my knees. "E, what's wrong? Why are you acting like this?"

I swallow.

"Your not Dash Cullen... Your Reid Collins."

He furrows his eyebrows. Then shakes his head. "Eden that's crazy. I'd remember if I was in love and had a child with you." It made my heart skip.

"That's exactly why they gave you that medication. It can also be used to erase bad memories. I told your mom to make sure we never meet again. Because I was just hurting you. She must've asked the doctor for those pills. But it also meant Brim was never your girlfriend. You never got her pregnant. She was never even in a car accident. It was just you."

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