A Gift

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"Hey their little sis" my brother whispered coming into my tiny room.

"Do you need some help or something?" I asked grogily opening my eyes to see a dark blob steal into my room

"Not tonight. I was supposed to win, and I have a present for you" he said turning on a shity lamp and sitting down on the end of the bed. I noticed he had a black eye and bloody nose but I didn't bring it up because I knew it could be a lot worse.

"Is it a dad?" I asked so sarcaticly he laughed, "shhh keep it down! Moms with her old dealer." I said seriously but still smiled, it was good to hear him laugh.

My brother stopped laughing and grimaced "what's he doing back here? I thought he was in jail."

"Well he definently isn't anymore and apparently mom owes him even more." I shivered slightly just at the memory. He had come home with my mom and he had been yelling and cussing calling her a disloyal bitch and saying that she owed him. Then he noticed me because I got up to leave. He yelled at me to go get the fuck out and I left because I could see this was not going to calm down, then I heard him take my mom into her room and slam the door after that their was just a lot of yelling and screaming before I fell asleep on my bed at two a.m. Not wanting my imagination to start taking over I blink rapidly to try and focus on some thing else. Instead I think about the gift my brother could have gotten me.

"No it's not a dad it's better." He says quietly grining slyly. Then he reached into his gym bag and pulled out a laptop.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" I asked surprised. How did he get a computer? And one of that quality? I stared at the silver and black rectangle in his hands thinking of the possibilities, and of the atm down the street across from the strip club.

"Not get caught with a stolen laptop... And maybe learn a thing or two, you are way too smart for your teachers at that shity school." he said smiling.

I grinned and snatched it out of his hands "Thanks bro, did you steal it?" I asked, because if he had I should probably get it off my hands before the cops came knocking.

"No" he said "it's from some guy that bet on the new kid and couldnt pay so he had to give it up. So you might have some passwords to get through."

"I'll figure it out, like you said I need a challenge" I replied with a smirk. Even though I was thinking it shouldn't be that hard because I already knew a few tricks from hacking my brothers grades at school.

"Good. I'm going back out, if I hurry I can train at the gym for a few hours before school." He said while getting up off my bed to leave. I watched him go and hoped he wasn't hiding any injuries from me that could be really bad, he had done that before. But he didn't have a limp or wince when he walked so I didn't ask.

I stayed up for an hour or two more to play with my new laptop figuring out that the previous owners favorite passwords were 1234 and lovemonkey69. I also heard my mom in the other room get a harder beating than usual, but that made sense her dealer Daryl had just gotten out of prison. I slowly drifted back to sleep after hiding my laptop under my mattress, listening to my moms gasps and screams and Daryls moans.

The next morning a Thursday, I woke up and after peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast I peaked in on my mom and found her passed out with a needle in her arm. Well no surprise their. So I left her, putting a sandwich down near her. And left the house knowing my brother was probably still at the gym. I jogged to school only 6 blocks away.
Hey thanks for reading!
If you have any suggestions or just want to yell at me for making stupid mistakes please comment. I will apricisate either. Seriously I'm sorry for my spelling.
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