chapter six

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Chapter Six

The cold kitchen tiles feel like slippery ice under Harry's bare feet. He paces back and forth aimlessly, his head hung low. He stares into nothingness and lets his thoughts consume every fiber of his being. The world crumbles around him, figuratively, as if a bomb went off and demolished everything in its path. Nothing is okay.

That memory keeps playing in his mind— Louis choking Mitch to death, draining his blood, killing him mercilessly. And the taste of his metallic blood still lingers on Harry's tongue. No amount of mint mouthwash could rinse it away.

He sighs at length and rubs his temples with frustration. What has he become? A monster? A cruel, man-slaughtering creature of the night?

Harry's always been nice, for lack of a better word. He tries to make everybody happy, please others, form new friendships. But this is— this is something completely different. Or rather, someone completely different. He doesn't even recognize himself anymore.

Feeling dirty and disgusting, Harry decides to take a bubble bath. Baths can solve everything, right? A bit of hot water, relaxation, and fragrant soap.

He treks into his nearby bathroom. Everything looks untouched, the same as when he left a few days prior. A bottle of uncapped toothpaste rests on the blue countertop. The faucet drips slowly, leaking, droplets of water thudding against the sink. 

He peels back the shower curtain and twists the knob, turning it towards the red 'H.' Then he plugs the drain to let the tub fill. When he touches the stream of water, it's scalding, but he doesn't pull back. It's nice to feel something so hot, being a cold, bloodless vampire and all.

A vampire. The word enters his brain and spins around. It has such a negative connotation, and he can't believe that he's become a blood-sucking monster who kills humans to survive. Briefly, he swipes his tongue over the roof of his mouth, feeling his sharp fangs.

Whilst he waits, he turns towards his sink and snatches his toothbrush, wetting it under the faucet. He smears some green toothpaste on the bristles. Then he scrubs his teeth, paying extra attention to his bloody canines. He brushes his tongue and the insides of his cheeks, trying to rid them of Mitch's taste.

The toothpaste's minty flavor once overwhelmed him, but now it's— now it's duller, less intense. Louis was right. His tastebuds are fading, and soon he won't want anything but blood. The thought sickens him.

He spits into the sink. A bit of blood stains the froth pink as it slips down the drain. Harry grimaces before rinsing it away.

When he looks up at the mirror, he frowns. Right, he thinks. No reflection. It still startles him, though, seeing the bathroom transparently through his body. He reaches up to touch it, just gliding his fingers over the cold glass.

Sighing, Harry turns back towards the tub. He grabs a bottle of lavender soap and empties its contents into the tub. He mixes it with his hand, watching with contentment as a layer of bubbles forms over the water's surface. Steam curls around him, hugging him with warmth. The floral fragrance tingles in his nose.

He switches off the water before shedding his clothes. He shimmies out of Louis's joggers and skin-tight t-shirt, kicking them carelessly aside. Now completely naked, he climbs into the tub, bubbles surrounding his soft, pale skin. He hums with relaxation and lets his eyes flutter shut.

He ducks under the water to wet his hair, turning his curls into a curtain of dark brown hair. He scrapes it out of his face so he can grab his coconut shampoo. He squirts a bit onto his palm and massages it into his scalp. After washing his hair, he cleans off his black face paint, scrubbing under his eyes.

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