chapter twenty-six

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chapter twenty-six

Sunlight spreads across the large bed like a blanket of warmth, making Louis's sensitive skin itch with irritability. He slowly awakes from a deep state of slumber and turns his head slightly, pressing his temple against the soft sheets. To his left, Harry sleeps peacefully with his limbs spread delicately, like a perfectly-positioned doll. His porcelain skin starts to turn pink from the harsh light.

Carefully, Louis lifts up the heavy blanket and drapes it across Harry's body. Much to Louis's relief, he doesn't wake up. With a sleepy smile on his face, Louis stands up and walks towards the nearby window. Outside, the blue sky is completely cloudless and empty. He shuts the curtains firmly to seal out the torturous sunshine.

"Lou," Harry croaks, lashes fluttering. He stares at him from across the room, curled up in the comforter like a butterfly in a cocoon.

"Morning, baby," Louis hums, stepping closer to his bedside. The floorboards creak beneath his weight. Despite living in this house for nearly three weeks now, he isn't accustomed to the squeaky noises and screeching door hinges.

Harry smiles up at him, eyes dark and green like moss. "I start my new job today," he thinks aloud.

"You do," Louis says proudly.

He remembers when Harry came home one week prior after filling out countless applications in Whitehall. He had an interview at the local bar and was hired on the spot. He already had experience bartending at Fool's Gold, so he couldn't wait to start working again. He was becoming increasingly bored with doing absolutely nothing with his life.

"Are you excited?" Louis asks after a brief moment of silence.

"Mostly nervous," Harry admits, biting his lip.

"You'll be great," Louis reassures, rubbing his cold palm up and down the length of Harry's arm. "You'll be the best bartender in the state of Montana."

Harry rolls his eyes and lets out a quiet breath of laughter. "Sure, whatever."

Louis's lips press into a thin line. His expression suddenly turns colder. "Are you feeling alright? You look pale."

"I'm a vampire—"

"No, I mean. Paler than usual."

Harry sits up in bed, straightening his posture. His joints crack. "I'm just hungry. It's been awhile since we last..."

"Killed someone?"

Harry nods silently. "I'm just... tired. Exhausted, actually."

Louis understands. He doesn't mention the dark circles beneath his eyes. His lips are no longer a bright shade of rose, but rather a light pastel pink like over-chewed bubblegum. His movements are syrupy slow.

"Perhaps we should go hunting," he suggests, voice soft and hesitant. "You need all the energy you can get. It's your first day at a new job, love."

"You know I don't like that word— hunting."

"I don't know how else to say it."

Harry goes quiet for a few seconds. He looks down at his hands. His bones are prominent and interlaced with bulging veins. He knows he's starving—he can feel it in his gut—but the past few weeks have been so blissful and beautiful. He doesn't want to ruin his newfound happiness. Killing someone always leaves him feeling guilty and monstrous.

"Maybe later," Harry mumbles. He picks at a hangnail on his thumb to avoid Louis's burning gaze of concern. "I'm not really in the mood to kill someone."

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