chapter thirty-three

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chapter thirty-three

There's still glow-in-the-dark star stickers on Harry's ceiling; his parents never bothered to take them off. The furniture is rearranged, and there's no longer posters and pictures of his friends plastered on the wall. He immediately spots the nail polish stain on the vanilla carpet below the window, which appeared when he was seven years old and stole Gemma's pink polish to paint his own nails.

The room is filled with memories— his first kiss with his former best mate from secondary school, Nick, on his old twin-sized bed. The time when he cried himself to sleep after his family dog died, and Gemma came in to comfort him. The times when he stayed up late studying maths because he didn't want to disappoint his father. The time when he did drugs for the first time, just a couple months before he left, in an attempt to numb the pain.

Some of the memories are better than others.

Louis sets his suitcase on the floor next to the bed. "Nice," he says, looking around in amusement.

Harry nods and shuts the door behind him. "It looks a lot different," he admits.

Louis takes off his shirt and jeans before climbing in bed, peeling back the floral duvet and white sheets. They feel soft against his legs. The comfortable mattress is like a pillow below his sore joints.

Harry heads to the bathroom to take out his colored contacts. He changes into an oversized t-shirt but keeps his knickers on, exposing his pale thighs. He puts his hair up in a bun with an elastic band before returning to their room.

"Keeping my fangs retracted for so long is kinda painful," Harry confesses, rubbing his jaw. He lets his fangs pop out from his gums, coming to a sharp point, and licks them with his tongue.

Louis cooes. "Poor little fletchling," he teases.
"You'll get used to it."

Harry rolls his eyes and slides into bed next to him. The eldest vampire immediately wraps his arms around him, kissing the top of his head. Harry can feel him smiling against his scalp.

"I'm proud of you," Louis whispers.

Harry blushes. "My parents love you," he says happily.

"Of course they do."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

Harry leans up and kisses him, lips as soft as a cloud, and slips his tongue past his fangs. Louis bites down on his bottom lip and deepens the kiss, combing his cold fingers through his hair. He smells like mint toothpaste.

"I love you," Louis whispers into the kiss.

"Love you forever," Harry echoes, straddling his waist. Louis instinctively plants his icy palms on his thighs, pushing up the hem of his t-shirt. Goosebumps pepper his pale skin.

Louis growls against his mouth. "Babe," he says desperately.

Harry's lips attach to the column of his throat. He hums questionably against his skin before nibbling where his neck meets his shoulder, just below his faded scar. His fangs scratch against his icy flesh. Louis's toes curl.

"You're such a menace," he says darkly.

"I didn't do anything wrong," Harry answers innocently, batting his eyelashes.

Louis rolls his eyes and pecks his lips. "Wanna fúck you so bad," he grumbles, ghosting his fingers up Harry's ribcage. He shivers beneath his touch.

"Then do it," Harry insists, grinding down against Louis's crotch. He feels him stiffen beneath his arse.

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