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Other than Dre being asleep in his room, I was home alone studying. My homework was done and it was 1:00 p.m. I had to pick Dana up from school in a couple of hours and Ty would be home soon after that.

I sat my notebook down and closed my laptop as I pulled out my phone and started checking things such as my social media, emails, and I even went through my pictures. Long story short, I was pretty bored.

I dug in my bag as I searched for Tremaine's number. When I finally found it I held it in my hands and stared at it for a moment as I contemplated whether or not I should call him.

"Maybe just a text..." I said to myself quietly. After five minutes of staring at the keyboard and twiddled my thumbs as my other fingers held my phone, I finally typed a simple 'Hey. This is Aaliyah from class.' and pressed send. "That's not bad." I said, once again to myself. I pulled my laptop back out and decided to pay some bills while I awaited his response.

Less than two minutes later my phone vibrated. The message lit up my lock screen and read, 'Hey ma lol. Wyd?'

Ma? Someone's feeling bold today.

For the next, I'd say maybe, 10 minutes we texted back and forth. And I felt like a little teenager again except we were texting instead of talking on the phone. He was really sweet though. I liked the vibe of the conversation. It wasn't dry but it wasn't too bold either.

Tremaine: He's so lucky :(

Me: Who?

Tremaine: your bf

Me: How did you know I have a boyfriend?

Tremaine: It's obvious. It would be a shame if someone like you were single.

Me: someone like me?

Tremaine: a young woman: beautiful and intelligent. She says so little yet there's so much to say.

Me: Lol. Thanks. Who says I have a lot to say?

Tremaine: All beauties have a story.

This was funny. He was sweet, I won't lie. But any nigga can be sweet. It's about the ones that are real and know what they want and have a future in mind. I wasn't totally won over yet. I'd only dealt with very few men in my life but I wasn't dumb. I knew the game 1000 times better than any man that tried to play it.

We talked for a little longer before he said he had to get ready for class and we said our goodbyes. With Dre still asleep I was able to get in a power nap and a quick shower before he came charging into my room. I made him some lunch and watched some TV with him as I just tried to kill time. It was 2:45 so I changed out of my sweats and into some jeans and I was off to get Dana.

I pulled up and waited for her outside in the parking lot. I noticed how a lot of the girls from her class were gathered around talking and giggling and then separating one by one as their parents arrived. I searched through the sea of children, vehicles, and parents and could not seem to spot Dana. I got out of my truck and helped Dre out of his car seat. As I clutched onto his hand, I walked through the parking lot and onto the schoolyard when I finally found Dana, all alone, siting on a large rock by the sandbox. She was pouting and staring at her hands while she played with her fingers.

"Hey sweetie," I said as I crouched down to her level. "What's the matter?" I grabbed one of her hands so I could get her full attention. By now, Dre ran off to a slide nearby.

"I thought daddy was picking me up today." She looked at me, still pouting.

"No, he's working late all week. You didn't answer my question though." I rubbed my thumb against her palm trying to comfort her. Something was wrong and whatever it was, I needed to know. "Are you upset because daddy didn't pick you up?" If she was then that hurt. But I doubt that was it. I pick her up most of the time.

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