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Dancing was common in my family. Everyone loved it. Until my mother came along that is...

Every one in the Matsuroku family danced, practiced or studied the art of dancing. My mother danced from the time she could stand on her feet.

The elders declared her the best in all the family. This made her siblings and cousins hate her....

From a young age they tried to mess up momma's feet, so she couldn't dance... They made her have bad accidents, but she continued dancing and practicing new movements throughout.

...When she was almost of age to be married, Grand-papa sent her around the world to study and learn new ways to dance.

She learned ballet, break dancing, folk dancing routines, and so much more...The one she enjoyed most, though, was stripping. She thought it was a beautiful way to show off her body, and gain the affection of everyone who saw her.

...She went back home and showed her family all she learned. They were against her stripping though, and said it was improper for a women of the family line to show so much skin. She was to be married right away, but momma had another surprise- she was pregnant...

She had broken the oldest tradition of the family- having a baby without a husband. They told her that as soon as she had me, they would disown her and throw her to the streets claiming she wasn't fit and wouldn't be a good mother... They couldn't blame the baby for the mothers mistake.

My mother died in birth, one of her cousins had let her bleed out just after she had the baby... She was still mad at my mother from their childhood. The elders declared no-one in the family could bring such shame on the family name again, so no-one could dance again. Ever.

That's where I come in. I have been looked down on my whole life, and sheltered from music, t.v, and dancing. It's always been books... Until I meet Timothy that is.

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