chapter 11

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It had been a few days since Yuki started her new life in the states. Today she'd meet her instructors and probably start learning whatever appealed to her by the end of the week.

Timothy was a little apprehensive. No doubt she'd be fine, but didn't she want to relax a little first? Maybe settle into everything slowly? But he could admit it to himself that she was the kind of person that jumps feet first into situations.

He knocked hesitantly at her door and after waiting for a reply and not getting one, he went in. At a glance he didn't see her, which had his heart beating faster, but then he saw a mysterious lump under the covers on her bed.

Deciding silly was the best way to approach a hiding female, he snuck up to the bed and pounced. A very girlish squeak had him lifting the covers slowly.

"Yuki, babe. Why are you hiding?"

She grabbed the blankets and hugged them tighter to her before he could see her. "Can we reschedule? For the instructors?"

"What's going on, babe? It's not like you to back out of decisions once you've made them. Are you okay? Are you sick?"

"I'm not sick... Just."

"Just, what Yuki? Talk to me, you know I'd do anything to help."

She threw the blankets off her and subsequently Timothy as well. "Its- Timothy?" She peaked over the bed at him and he immediately saw the problem. "Why are you on the floor?"

'So she forgot already' he thought. "Well, why are you upside-down and sideways?"

She giggled at this, and rolled her eyes before answering. "I'm not, you are."

"That makes sense, you caught me off guard and threw me, babe." Timothy said, straightening himself with a grimace.

"I threw you?" She questioned disbelievingly with a raised eyebrow.

"Only cause I wasn't expecting it. Stop avoiding the issue, Yuki. You don't want to see the instructors because of a bad hair day?"

She poured prettily and destracted him momentarily. He pulled himself away from naughty thoughts when she started talking.

"It's not just any day, it's a bad hair day on what could be my most important one ever." She stated vehemently. "What if they don't like me, or think I won't be committed to learning?"

"Then fuck um. You can do this. If you really don't want to meet them today then we'll reschedule, but if you're serious about wanting to make a good impression I'll help you tame your hair." He offered.

"Really? I'd love that!" Yuki exclaimed jumping up and grabbing his hand. "What do I need to do?"

"How about you get dressed into semi-professional clothes while I get what you'll need, babe."

Yuki blushed and looked down. "Thank you Timothy. You spoil me."

"Always." He told her and meant it. He left her room and went to grab a comb and hair supplies. They'd be short on time, but if this was all she needed he'd do it for her.

When he knocked on the door awkwardly she opened it almost immediately. She looked hot, in tight faded blue jeans and a white collared shirt.

"Just sit on the bed." He told her, yanking his thoughts back to the innocent task at hand.

Yuki frowned but complied. "Did I do something wrong?" She asked faintly, and he knew the words had once again slipped out without her noticing.

"Of course not, Yuki babe." He told her as he gently moved all her hair back and sat behind her. He put some detanglizer in her hair and carefully began brushing it out.

Once that was done Timothy asked, "Babe, is there a specific way you want this?"

She hummed and replied lazily, "Just back and semi decent would be nice."

He began separating strands of her hair. He'd never admit it, but it was soothing to mess with her hair, and her utter trust in him, even over something so trivial made him happy. A few minutes later the braid was done.

"What do you think?" He asked her, watching closely to see her reaction.

Yuki looked in the full length mirror in front of her and her eyes popped with surprise. Carefully she raised a hand to touch it. "It's beautiful, Timothy. You can't even tell it was horrible just a few minutes ago. How'd you do it?"

"Eh, I'm just skilled, babe." He said with a grin as he laid back and closed his eyes, trying to distance himself. Now that he had touched her, he wanted to again and that was bad. She was appreciative of him and these feelings were just one sided.

A shadow darkened the space and he opened his eyes just in time to see Yuki collapse on him. "Thank you so, so much. Seriously, how did you know exactly what to do?"

"My mom was a hairdresser." He murmured, feeling a blush start. Suddenly he became hyper aware of just how close they were, and his blush deepened.

Yuki blushed as well and slowly leaned into him. The doorbell rang and he quickly jumped up. 'Saved by the bell', he thought.

"You ready?" He asked her, suddenly nervous.

"Of course. I'd never let you down." She trailed off and her gaze went to the window, but she quickly pulled herself out of her daze. "Let's do this." She smiled at him and calmly got off the bed.

Timothy followed behind her, rubbing his neck. He could have handled that better.

Yuki opened the front door, letting a blast of heat in. " Hello, I am Yuki. Please come in." She courteously told the man standing there.

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