chapter 3

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I thought over my night with Timothy. He was so nice, and so different from my family and their way of life. He had given me the courage I needed to leave them now. Supposedly I could find Timothy and say goodbye before heading to the Americas. They had a little bit of every culture so, for sure I could learn more about the music and dancing thats been kept from me all my life.

I had already packed my clothing and what little amounts of money I had. All that was left to do was tell grandfather about leaving and refusing to marry a murderer. No worries, a piece of cake...

Knock, knock, knock.

It was Mimi. She seemed upset to be fetching me for the family this early in the morning. True to my thoughts not three seconds after I opened the door to my cottage she opened her mouth to tell me what she thought. 

"I shouldn't have to escort you to meet Ichijo. You're not even worth him, if he ends up killing you like he did his previous wifes he'll do the world and this family a huge favor. You shouldn't even be here, if you're mom wasn't such a tramp.." 

On and on she went trying to get a reaction from me, but she hasn't succeeded sincce I was little and I wont change that now. I just bumped past her and began making my way to the main house by myself. Mimi was shocked into silence for a few seconds, but she soon came to grips with what just happened and caught up. 

"What's gotten into you today?" She boldly asked me in her malicious voice. 

"Well besides the rude behavior of my family toward me, I can't blame them. You all think I'm just like my mother, but despite everything you've all kept from me and how terribly you've treated me my whole life, I'm not my mother. You no longer have any power over me because I no longer have any lower to fall. I'm leaving the family because it's better than dying by the hands of a man and never knowing the good things in life." I replied to her my temper running away from me for a minute. I didn't say anything in a mean way, but it- for the second time this morning- shocked Mimi.

I continued walking past her and went into the waiting room, without removing my shoes and replacing them with slippers. Grandpa heard my arrival and came to meet me. He seemed amused at my street clothes and lack of slippers. 

"What are you doing Yuki?" 

"I've come to tell you I'm leaving. You have treated me like a personal playtoy all my life. Despite the fact that I'm the most potentially useful person in the family, you deside to marry me off to someone who will possibly kill me. And for what? Because my mother had me out of wedlock. You people- who are suppossed to be my family- don't even know me and blame everything that goes wrong on me." I looked him in the eye as he processed this information. "I'm not going to be that person anymore and I'm not going to let people treat me this way anymore. Most of the reason I came here, besides custom, was to tell you I'm leaving. And no, before you ask I'm not going to Ichijo's."

I turned to leave and he didn't stop me. Neither did my other family members who came to listen in on the conversation. I wasn't even yelling or throwing a fit so they must have radar for drama. As much as I wanted to throw things or storm out of the house good behavior was so well ingrained that I simply couldn't. 

I did however grab the rest of my things from home, and left. Quietly. I made it all the way to the main street before a car pulled up next to me. The window rolled down and inside was the infamous Matsemorii Ichijo.I stopped momentarily startled. 

"Your grandfather phoned me. Apperantly you think I'm a psyco killer and refuse to marry me." Here he paused for effect. "Well you may be right about that, but I simply refuse to lose you.  You see Yuki- may I call you Yuki already?- I need a woman who needs me and can give me children. It would help if she was beautiful, and you my dear fit all the cryteria." He jumped suddenly and pulled me to the car where a couple henchmen figures pulled me the rest of the way in. 

"HEL-" I started to scream before Ichijo punched me. It instantly shut me up. I began to feel frantic as he pulled at my clothes and rip them. I noticed in a supprisingly calm way that the car wasn't moving, wasn't it supposed to be? "Help, Someone HELP ME." I screamed again. 

"You really don't get the picture do you, Yuki?" He said while panting at the effort of dodging my flying limbs. " You can't ask for help because no-one's going to stand up for you. Who would anyway?" He punched me again.

As I realized what he meant tears filled my eyes. Why wasn't I good enough? What did I ever do wrong? Just one last time... "Help!" I put all my effort into it.

Apperantly some time later it helped though. Timothy heard me and came to my rescue. Amazingly he took on 3 men including my orriginal attacker, Ichijo, and won. He came over to me where I was still laying in the car. Almost, I'd almost been... It was to close...

"Are you okay?" He asked me. Had his voice always sounded like melting honey? I looked up at him, had he always had hazel/ yellow eyes? And his lips... wow. 

"Thank you." I murmered, but my voice still cracked. I closed my eyes as he spoke again.

"What for? Yuki, babe, are you okay?" 

"For saving me. Yes I'll be okay I just need a minute." I said answering his questions. 

He pulled me into his arms. "It's going to be okay." He murmered into my ear, causing me to shiver.

"My grandpapa called him, he probably knew..." 

"Shhhh... It's ok now. I'll keep you safe." And with that I fell asleep in his arms as he carried me away.









Timothy couldn't believe his ears when Yuki said her grandfather called those pricks. The only thing that stopped him from going to her house to confront and possibly kill the old man was the fragil and tramatized woman in his arms. He brought her to his house

"Some food will do her good." He told himself as he went to go make it. He tried keeping himself busy before he went back to her house. She'd probably be disorientated and nervous if she woke up in a strange home with strange people and him not here. 

It seemed like days as he cleaned the bathrooms, the livingroom, his bedroom and the patio in his appartment. It was only four hours after bringing Yuki here though, that she woke up. He was checking in on her when he noticed her looking around. 

"Hey babe. How are you holding up?" She looked at him with her weird evergreen eyes. 

"Better. Um." she looked around. "Is this your place?"

"Yeah." God, he sounded nervious. 

"It's nice I like it."

 "Thanks, you want to see the rest of it? Or eat?" 

Her stomache grumbled loudly and he chuckled as she turned pink. "Yes some food sounds delicious." 

He led her to the kitchen and the boiling ramen he made. She looked around eyes wide. 

"I've never been in an appartment before. How old are you?" Timothy just looked at her, and she balked. "I mean since you have your own place and it's nice I figured you were... well I mean...yeah." She finally just trailed off and he laughed at her forlorn expression.

"I'm twenty three. And you?" He managed to choke out without laughing more. 

"I think I'm twenty one." 

"You think?" Timothy asked dubiously. 

"I never celebrated or had anything to look forward to." 

"Well now you don't have to worry bout it. "

"And why is that Timothy?"

"Because you now have me." He said as he put a bowl down in front of her.

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