-chapter 2-

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I heard the front door unlocking meaning jc was home from the air port with the person Kian wouldn't tell me about
Hey guys I'm back jc said and he was with OMG CAMERON DALLAS I missed him so much.
CAMERON I screamed and ran over to him a Basically tackled him
Hey Ashley Cameron said And laughed
Hey to you to Ashley jc said
Sorry jc I just haven't seen Cameron in forever but wait what are you doing here I thought you were visiting Nash I said
Yeah I was visiting him but I came home and I decided to visit you Kian and jc Cameron said
Well I'm glad your here I said and hugged him again when I broke the hug with Cameron he went to the guest room to put down his stuff and I looked and Kian and he looked really mad or off I don't know why
Hey is Cameron coming on tour with you guys or is he leaving before because I don't want to be home alone for all the time I said to Kian and jc because they were standing in front of me
Umm no you are actually coming with us for tour jc said
OMG REALLY I said about to crap my pants
yeah Kian said and they both laughed and how excited I was. I ran over and hugged them
Thank you guys for letting me come I said
Letting you come where Cameron said as he walked in
Oh I'm going on tour with them next week instead of staying home alone I said to him
Oh that really cool Cameron said being happy for me
Hey Cameron are we going to film a video for you channel Kian asked
Oh yeah that's right Cameron said running us stairs to get his stuff to film. I walked over to get some water
What video are you guys filming I asked
Signs someone likes you Kian said and wiggled his eye brow
Oh ok I said and laugh. I just grabbed my water and went upstairs to my room and watched some YouTube videos. When I was in the middle of a twaimz video I heard a knock at my door
Come in I said
Oh hey Cameron I said
Hey Ashley what are you doin Cameron asked
Oh nothing just watching YouTube videos I said then there was an awkward silence
Hey you know Kian likes you right Cameron said
No why would you think he likes me I said now sitting up
When you hugged me when I walked in he was giving me a dirty look and I just know because I know how I act when I like someone and they are hugging or doing what ever with someone else Cameron said
I don't think he does because the last time he liked me was in middle school and he said he didn't like me anymore in high school I said
Well maybe he was lying maybe he never stopped liking you Cameron said

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter but hoped you liked it and comment if you want the other O2l boys and magcon in the story bye 😜✌🏼️

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