-chapter 4-

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Today we are going to Disney land YAY I'm so excited. I have never been to Disney land so when Kian,cam, and jc found out they were shocked and they said we are going, I love them lol. I haven't been talking to jc since he said he loved me and I feel bad because I'm really confused and I like him but I don't know what to think about Cameron said about Kian liking me, so I don't know what to do I'm so confused because I love both of them.
Hey cam what time are we leaving to go to Disneyland I asked
I think in an hour or 2 he said
Ok I'm going to go get ready I said and walked up stairs and put on my outfit that I picked out last night(the outfit in the picture). I just got done curling my hair and my makeup when
Hey Ashley we are leaving come on Kian shouted from down stairs
ok I'm coming hold up I said and grabbed my backpack that I put a jacket and other stuff in for Disney
Come on you take to long Kian said when I got in the car
Well sorry do you want me to look nice or not I said annoyed
Whatever Kian said
Hey guys stop fighting we are going to the happiest place on earth so be nice cam said from the front seat and Kian was driving and jc was next to me in the back.
Ugh fine Kian and I both said at the same time
I looked over and jc because he has been quiet and he was on his phone so I texted him as a joke
To:jc☁️-why you no talk buttface 🍑
From:jc☁️- cuz me no feel like it
To:jc☁️- oh we'll talk to me
I looked up from my phone and jc was already looking at me
WE ARE HERE cameron yelled and it scared me
Omg ok you don't have to yell geez jc said
Omg same I said and high-fived jc, so we got out of the car and I was literally like a 5 year old
Why are you jumping around Kian asked
Cuz I can hoe you got a problem I said
Yeah Kian said
What is it then huh I said and jumped on Kians back and he ran to the entrance of Disneyland with me on his back

hope you guys liked this chapter and sorry I haven't updated I have writers block and if you guys could help me by telling me what you would want to happen that would be great love you guys bye 😁✌🏼️

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