Chapter 4-need somebody to hold me

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There are a lot of POV changes in this chapter so beware. Lol enjoy and read the whole A/N at the end please....
-me xxx

"I-I'm moving."

I stared at Scott wanting to cry, wanting to scream but my mouth was failing to make any sound.
"Anika? Did you hear me?" Scott cradles my already lonely soul.
"No, you can't."
"I know I'm sorry but I have to."
This can't be happening. Not to me, not to us.
"Go fuck yourself!" I shouted out of anger, sprinting out of Scott's room. Tears fell from my cheeks and regret from my head.
I waited in my car for a few minutes but he never came.
Scott😍: why'd you say that! Get out of my driveway.
Me: Scott please come here I'm sorry I miss you.
Scott😍: no I'm not just gonna keep coming back if you don't want me you don't get me. fuck off.
Zachyboy: woah guys calm down
Leemahgirl: Zach stay out of this.
Scott😍: you wanna know what's up? IM MOVING! And Anika doesn't wanna try long-distance cuz she's a bitch and she's probably just gonna go find some other dick to fuck the second I'm gone cuz she's a slut and she never loved me.
Me: Scott that's not true!
I changed his contact name.
Scott: frig off.

Tears. No I wouldn't call them tears... Water from my eye. Oh whatever I'm not a bad boy yeah they were tears.
"You okay bud?" My dad called from downstairs.
"I'm fine." I shouted.
I wasn't fine. I loved her, but she was gone. It was all my fault.
Her words echoed in my head, "Go fuck yourself!" As I turned the "when your sad" playlist Anika had made me on. She was still in my driveway, but I couldn't go out. Not yet. She hadn't given up on me and I hadn't given up on her either but neither of us were going to comfort the other. We'd never fought before so all the feelings of everything I'd ever hated about Anika had come out. Like this morning when she'd flirted with that guy Cameron Dallas after she'd been pushed down by Nick. Wondering why I didn't help? Anika's always telling me she doesn't need my help for that kind of thing, but of course when mister "Hot-Shot Dallas" the baseball player helps her, he's a hero. She threw herself at him, like she was single. She's not single. I don't really know... Is she single? No.
Me: Anika?
Anika👄: Scott?
Zach👶🏿: please say you still love each other.
Lee👁: zacccchhhh.
Me: I love you.
Zach👶🏿: dude I'm flattered but nah bro.
Lee👁: shut up Zach.
Me: Anika?
Anika👄: how long? Until you go, I mean.
Me: we're leaving on Friday
Anika👄: where are you moving?
Me: N-new Hampshire.... I'll be like 3 hours away.
Anika👄: ok. Guys we have to hang oh all week, A LOT.
Zach👶🏿: I'm in.
Lee👁: I'm down.
Me: okay. Anika you can come in now.
Anika 👄: alright I'm coming up.
Zach 👶🏿: On my way!
Lee 👁: Zach come pick me up.
Me: lol it's a party.

Everyone tried to pretend nothing was wrong but we all knew better. After Friday I'd be the third wheel. I'd be alone. And who knows how the long distance would go? What if we didn't make it?
"Anika?" Lee snapped me out of my thoughts, "What's wrong, girl?"
"I just don't want him to leave." I cried. Scott snuggled me closer to him and put his comforter around us.
"Just forget about that for now. Tomorrow we'll skip 7th period and go out to ice cream. On Wednesday we'll go wherever you want. We'll cherish these last few days, ok?" he smiled.
I nodded like a little kid, but I wanted him to help me. I needed him to protect me.
"Guys," Zach said, "you're depressing me."
We all laughed. Zach always knew how to make us laugh. 
"Scott, I'm sorry about your parents." Lee said.
"Yeah sorry, man." Zach chimed in.
A "Sorry." Is all I could choke out under my cries.
"It's all good. I knew it was going to happen so it's kind of better for me. I-I just really don't want to move. I'll really miss you guys." Scott spoke.
"We'll miss you too Scott." Lee smiled.
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and saw Cam's picture on my screen.
"I'll be right back." I said jumping out of bed.
"Who's calling her?" I heard Scott question in the background.

Hey guys! Hope you liked that chapter.... Do you like Scott and Anika or Scott and cam more? I'm not really sure.... That was kinda a long chapter but I had a lot to say... Do you like the text messages? I might write a story of only texts. Alright don't forget to vote and fav and follow and follow me on Instagram: Zquadljp ok I need to stop the promo anyway..... BYE!!!!
X x x x x x o o o o o o

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2015 ⏰

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