Kiss The Rain

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" Your Highness, the King wanted to speak with you " said Cloud. Prince Wilfred stood up from the chair and head up to the King's room. He bowed down before the King. " You've called Your Majesty " he said. The king stood up from his throne and went close to Prince Wilfred. " My dear son, would you mind to make me tea " he said. " Excuse me Your Majesty, can you repeat it again" said Prince Willfred. " I want you to make me some tea" the king repeated. Prince Wilfred finally understood and bowed down. " As you wish Your Majesty " he said and left the King's throne. He walked up on the long corridor and asked Cloud. " Do you know a place where I can buy some tea here " he asked. " Well Your Highness, there's one near the palace . . . if you like I'll send out the carriage " said Cloud.

" There's no need for that Cloud, I'll go check it alone . . . Can you tell me where it is found " said Prince Wilfred. " It's down the street, passed by the park and there you'll see a cafe standing there " Cloud replied happily. " I'll get going then " said Prince Wilfred and head out to go to the cafe. Shortly, he arrived at the cafe and went inside. " Goodmorning Sir, may I help you " I greeted him kindly. He looked at me look struck. I smiled at him and offer him his seat. He looked at the counter and all the customer who were enjoying drinking up their coffee and tea.

I deliver him a cup of coffee and sat on the other side of the table. " What brings you here Sir ?" I asked. " Well I'm looking for some of your best made tea " he replied. " Oh !, our special brewed tea . . . don't worry I will have it in a minute " I delightly said and went to the kitchen. He rest up on his chair and noticed street children came in the cafe. The manager happily invited them and served them like their own customers. " Angel !, your friends arrived " he called out. I went to see the street children sitting on the table around the corner. I approached them.

" Welcome, would you like something to eat " I asked. They nodded. I smiled at them and went back to the kitchen. I've finished making the tea and the snacks for the children. I first distribute the shortcakes to the children and give the tea to Prince Wilfred. " Here you go Sir " I said. He take the tea off my hand and stood up. " Thank you " he said. I smiled at him and he flushed a bit. He now turned to the table where the children sat. " May I ask, what are those street children doing here " he asked. " Well I invited them here, just to feed them " I replied. " What do you think you're thinking letting these filthy children in your wondrous cafe " he exclaimed.

" What do you care if their filthy or not, they need food so I giving them what they need . . . Not some you gentleman who cares about them and even royalties can't help to help these innocent children in their miserable lives . . . Don't you even dare to look down on this children even they're filthy, their still hope to bring these children to achieve their dreams, can't they " I exclaimed harshly. He was speechless and clenched his fist. Suddenly the manager came in. He stand in between us and grabbed my arm. " Come on Angel, cool yourself down a bit. . . don't scold our customer here, be gentle okay " he said. " Be gentle, are you accusing me to be guilty, Manager ! . . . This gentleman here misunderstood these poor children to be in not sociable place like in this cafe " I scold at the manager. " Please cool down now okay " the manager begged. I crossed my arms and walked away.

The manager turned to Prince Wilfred and bowed down. " I'm very sorry Sir about my employee's behavior . . . She has been through rough times when she was young " he apologized and explained. " What do you mean by that " Prince Wilfred asked. The manager insist to sit down first and return back to their conversation. " Well you see, her parents died in a fire accident. Nobody survived but luckily she and her pet dog make it out safely, it's been really hard for her to lose both of her parents but still she still strive hard to even forget her sorrowful past and live better on the future " " Well do you understand how she feels when you look down on this street children, she thought that when she see one, she resembles herself in that situation without parents in a cruel world like these. So I apologized for her misbehavior, Sir" he said. 

Prince Wilfred reconsider and forgive the manager They somehow easily got together but it displeased on my eyes. " Aren't you a little to kind to tell my whole backstory and even consider to have that gentleman's forgiveness, I pity you so much Manager" I said. They turned to me. " Angel, you wouldn't that this kind sir would help on yourself . . . " the manager exclaimed. " Or else what ?!, this gentleman is apparently rude and keep his pride on for himself " I said. " Angel watch your words !!" the manager shouted. " You always aren't there for me, you're always on the other side that you doesn't what's the real truth " I cried. " I'm sorry okay , so please stop crying" he said. " I hate you . . . I HATE you all !!!" I shouted and ran outside the cafe and went on the back.

The manager scratches his head and take a deep sigh." I shouldn't say too much " he accused to himself. Prince Wilfred pat his shoulder and head on where I am. " Hey " he said. I looked at him. " What do you want " I sniffed. " I'm very sorry to learned about your past without any permission from you" he said. I sniffed and wiping away my tears. But Prince Wilfren offer his handkerchief. " Use this " he insisted. " Thank you" I take his handkerchief and use it to wipe my tears. After I finished wiping, I stared at him. " May I know your name, Miss " Prince Wilfred asked. I sniffed and said " Angel ". " Angel, nice to meet you. I'm . . . um . . . " he said.

" You're what ?" I asked. He hesitated a little and finally replied. " I'm Wilfred , just call me Will for short" he said. He offer his hand and stood me up. " Thank you Will " I said and smiled. He flushed a little and looked away. " Yo-You're welcome" he said. I grab his hand and give it to him. " What's this" he asked. " It's my favorite and lucky charm" I happily said. I give him my snowflake charm with a penguin behind it. He looked at it and blushed a little. " Thank you Angel" he said. I looked at my watch and said " I better go back now " I said. " Okay" he said. And I suddenly kissed him on his cheek and went inside the cafe. He looked confused and touch his right cheek and smiled. He happily head to the palace. " Here's your tea, Father " he said and give it to him and the maid served it to the King and he desperately liked it. " This tea is incredibly delicious, you really made it delightful my son" he said. Prince Wilfred bowed down and left the throne room. He head up to his room along with Cloude. " , Do you need anything more, Your Highness ?" he asked. " There's nothing more, you may leave now" Prince Wilfred said. Cloude left the room and Prince Wilfred lay down on his bed and stared the ceiling. He recall the kiss I give to him and smiled.




[A/N] : Hello everyone. So far so good, hope you like my story. This story will await after this chapter. A mysterious miracle will happen to Angel and find out on Chapter 2.

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