The Goat Hermit: The Fifth Fable

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Once upon a time, there lived a community of farm animals at the edge of a town. The leader of the community was a goat who lived alone in a little barn, often providing counsel to the other animals. Upset cows would come to him for advice, angry crows would fly in and share their worries because Goat was renowned for his good and calm words.

Late at night, Goat would go for walks in the town. Usually the town was very quiet and Goat would walk along with his thoughts for company, often realising he was very alone. All the animals respected him, they trusted in him and his knowledge and wisdom, and yet he felt he had no one to confide in and sometimes, Goat would look up at the stars and wonder if they were his only true friends.

One day, Goat decided his loneliness was too much. When the Crow family arrived to ask for help, they found Goat's barn empty. Word spread that Goat was no longer in his home. The animals had always needed Goat for advice and wisdom, and now he was gone.

Goat at that moment was walking out of the town but he paused for a moment. He was the leader of all the animals. They trusted him and depended on him and yes, they could live without him but he knew he truly helped them. Meanwhile, he was walking away, hoping to end his loneliness. Goat concluded he wanted someone in his life to act like he did for the other farm animals.

Goat walked slowly and thought about himself and his life and the animals that came to him everyday. It occurred to Goat that he could turn back but he couldn't help wondering why?

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