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"So, those monsters motivated you to write a worldwide bestseller?"

"No. Those kids motivated me to write stories that I knew will one day be a bestseller and will scare them because I wanted them to stop teasing me."I placed my hands in front of me and peeked out the window.

"Then one day it happened. Goosebumps produced over 400 million copies worldwide, and it kept kids fron being able to sleep; it kept them up all night, worrying them that one day Slappy the Talking Dummy will be sitting at the corner of their rooms. No one teased me ever since."

I took a deep breath and removed my glasses.

"Then one day, one by one, the monsters I wrote came out of the manuscripts I wrote, eager to fulfill the real intention why I made them: to scare those kids who teased me and worse, destroy them. That's why all the manuscripts I wrote are locked."

"Sir, is that what happened?"

"Yes. That was what happened weeks ago. Slappy's book was accidentally unlocked, and he wanted revenge because I kept him locked all thse years. He released every monster I created and burned their books so that there won't be a place for them to come back. Now the book that sucked them all in, my ultimate masterpiece, was finished by your schoolmate Zach,"

I looked around the room for Zach, and realized that he and Hannah are on their Arts lesson at this time.

"who, unfortunately, isn't here in this class today. But you will see him walking around school...probably."

"Okay, that's it for inspirations and motivations. Moving on. Take your notebooks and write a short summary for a book you want to publish. Take your own ideas."


"Mr. Stuart, I'm afraid that the summary you have written is in fact the summary of The Hunger Games."

Murmurs started rising from the students. I can hear them say: "I thought that he doesn't know anything about other books!" and "No it's okay, he probably doesn't know this book."

"I am an author, which doesn't excuse me from reading other people's stories. I critic Suzanne Collins, Veronica Roth, Rick Riordan, and J.K. Rowling's books...not to mention, Cassandra Clare too."

The students fell silent. The bell rang. "Okay, that's lunch. For your homework write a mature 15-sentence long movie critic about the Oddessey. Class dismissed."


I sighed as I reached the house. I had it repaired, and I am so happy it us fixed before the start of work.

I entered the house and threw the keys on the table. I sat down with a cup of coffee and began reading the newspaper. Madison destroyed. Monsters attack Madison. R. L. Stine returns. Seriously?

As for my car, Zach's mother bought it for me in apology for Zach ruining my car (which is 90% of his fault since he shouldn't have sneeked in to my house and opened a book and Slappy's book and should have prevented Slappy opening the fly's book, which could have made my car make it through the night.)

I can't believe all that happened in a single night.

I'm worried about Hannah, since Zach's mom will pick them both up because they had to stay for a while for some...extracurriccular activities.

Hannah changed so fast, I rewritten the part when she would stay 16 forever so that she could age and grow old with Zach.

And probably have kids who would never ever listen and be like Zach, who sneaks in other's houses, and Hannah, who would sneak out the house in the middle of the night to go somewhere with Zach.

Should I even ground her for that?

I get it that she and Zach kiss (most of the time), but I'm still worried. What if something else happens and then she gets...she gets...

Oh you get my point!

As her father and creator, I am worried about her. Especially now that she and Zach are turning 17. I bet that on her birthday he will ask me permission to officially be her boyfriend.

I peeked out the window quickly as I heard Zach's car honk. Hannah and Zach stepped down and walked together to our gate. Then they stopped.

"Hey, you know you could call me."Zach said. Hannah chuckled. "Okay. Tonight, when I'm done with schoolwork. Don't fall asleep, keep the ringer on your phone on. Don't silent it."

Then they kissed. Eew.

"Love you."Zach called out as Hannah walked to the door. "You too Mr. Stine."Zach said as he saw me. Then he walked to his house.

"Daddy!"Hannah hissed. "What?"I asked. "Can't you at least give us some privacy?"

"Not too much, not until you finish college."

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