Melody of The Wolf {Soulmate Series}

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This is a werewolf mate story about an alpha and a singer :')

Changing of P.O.V every other chapter.



-Las Vegas, Nevada-

                “How y’all doing tonight?” Chicago shouted over the audience. We all cheered back at her causing her to chuckle, “alright, it’s good to be here. This is the place I had my first real gig, so it’s great to be back. I hope you enjoy the show, this next song will be my new single and it’s call Don’t Leave Me Alone.”

                The guitar began to play, then the drums joined in with the bass playing in the background. Then her melodic voice began to sing down the microphone and the majority of the crowd joined in. My sister, Arabella, stood next to me grinning from ear-to-ear, but I didn’t care about anyone else in the room, I only cared about her. My body called out to her, wanting her to feel my presence, but I knew she wouldn’t notice, not unless we met face-to-face. Why would she? She’s staring into a crowd of faceless people whilst we all look up to her. ‘Chicago’ otherwise known as Roxie Hart Jones, just like the musical. They called her Chicago and she liked it, it must’ve been an old nickname of hers or something. She came from a small town somewhere in Mississippi and belonged to a pack of wolves, she, like myself, was a werewolf.

                I often wondered whether she knew that other people knew about her being a werewolf, but I knew just out of instinct and smell. She was my mate and she was on the verge of being a famous singer, which made it so much harder to get close to her. I sometimes wondered whether she knew I was near, that her mate was somewhere close, but you could never see the loneliness in her eyes. Chicago was a singer-songwriter who was well known across the US, but never famous enough to be swarmed by paparazzi.

                “Don’t leave me alone, you love me with your heart, I love you with my own…” by this point I was singing along. A few songs later, and she was rocking out the place. She reached out her hand and we all reached to touch it, I urged to touch it. I wanted to rip everyone out of the way and tell them to keep their filthy hands off her, but I didn’t want to ruin her night.

                When I thought all hope was lost, my fingers touched hers and spark filled my arm as it did hers. I was flung back into the crowd as she fell onto her backside on stage with a gasp. The music stopped and she stared out into the crowd, yet she couldn’t see me as I could her. She composed herself quite quickly before she stood up and laughed down the microphone.

                “Sorry,” she apologized, then the music started again and the gig went on. Arabella hadn’t noticed our touch and I didn’t bother to mention it until we’d got outside. Everyone was buzzing with excitement, most people talking about how great the gig was and how someone had obviously pushed her to cause her to fall back on stage. If only they knew.

                “That was frickin’ amazing!” Arabella squealed, jumping into my arms, then she let go, “thanks for coming, bro.”

                I chuckled. “It’s cool.”

                “You touched her, didn’t you?” she asked, cocking her head to the sound.

                I sighed and nodded. “I’m an idiot.”

                “An idiot?” she shouted, then lowered her voice, “my idiot of a brother has just touched thee Chicago and given her the hope that she has her mate out there!”

                I nodded at her with a big grin on my face. “Yeah, I suppose I have.”

                “Let’s go home, brother,” she smiled before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the parking lot. I drove us home whilst the new copy of Chicago’s CD played in the background and Arabella went on and on about how amazing one song was and then she said how amazing the next one was. It took about an hour or so to get back to our small town of Woodsgreen and I parked the car in the drive before climbing out.

                I stretched my arms and followed Arabella as she ran up the steps squealing like an idiot. I had to laugh at her, she was funny when she was happy or excited about something. I locked the car just before walking inside and joined my family in the lounge as they sat and watched TV.

                “How was it?” my father asked.

                “Brilliant,” I smirked before sitting down on the free arm chair and slouching. I closed my eyes.

                “It would’ve been more amazing if Chicago had jumped into Luke’s arms and kissed his face off!” Arabella shouted as she ran into the room. I opened my eyes and chuckled before shaking my head and looking over at my father.

                “What happened?” he asked.

                “She put her hand out,” I shrugged, “she touched it, she fell back with shock.” I laughed at the memory. “I could tell she was very confused.”

                “Why aren’t you there demanding them let you go backstage?” Mom asked with raised eyebrows.

                Damn, I never thought of that.

                Arabella sat on the empty two-seater couch whilst looking over at me for the answer. I didn’t answer and closed my eyes, knowing how idiotic I was that I didn’t go backstage.

                “You know, the quicker you get her, the quicker you become alpha,” father spoke. I nodded, knowing that what he was saying was the truth. My father is the alpha of the pack and he told me that I would get the position once I found and mated with my mate. I had already found her; I just hadn’t mated with her.

                “I’ve got it!” Arabella squealed, “since it’s summer and I don’t go back to school for ages, we can go on a road trip and follow Chicago until you finally meet face-to-face.”

                “No,” my father said sternly, causing me to open my eyes.

                “No, that’s a great idea,” I grinned, “except, you’re not coming Ari.”

                “That’s not fair,” Arabella pouted, “I’m fifteen years old and need to meet my future sister, right?”

                “You’ll meet her when I bring her back home,” I replied, “I’ll take Robby and Jack with me and we’ll go on this road trip until I meet her for real.”

                “Where’s she headed next?” Mom questioned.

                “She’s off Salt Lake City,” I replied knowingly. God, I sounded like such a stalker.

                My father smirked. “Well, you better get packing because by the time she’s there, she’ll be gone.”

                And, so it was that I began a road trip following Chicago.

Melody of The Wolf {Soulmate Series: Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now