Chapter 14

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3 days later.

Neymar pov
I'm going home today. I was waiting for shakira to come get me cause she said she would.

Shakira pov
I'm on my way to the hospital to get Ney. He hasnt even remembered something. Hopefully he will remember soon. I hope that when he does remember he doesnt try to kill himself again.

Neymar pov
She walked into my room.

S:You ready
S:Ok lets go

It was very quiet. I decided to put on the radio and a song started playing. I know this song.

Shakira pov
I was driving and saw him put on the radio. Snitch Bitch by Terence Howard started playing. I know he liked this song. He started singing along and I knew he remembered the song.
His favourite part came on and he just screamed it out.

"When They Try To Convince
  You They Chillin With You
  Pay Very Close Attention
My Hitta My Hitta My Hitta!!!!"

I just laughed at him

Neymar pov
She laughed at me. I love her laugh.
N:Hey dont laugh. Its not like
   you havent done that before.
S:I have never gone that crazy
   for a song.
N:Yes you have that one time
   when we were 12 we went
   on a field trip with the school
   and No Diggity by Blackstreet
    started playing you went
   completely crazy.
S:You remembered.
N:I guess I did
S:Do you remember anything

Shakira pov
He looked down
N:No. Sorry
S:Its ok.
N:No its not. Its not fair that
   youknows stuff about my life
   that I cant remember. Its like
   a new me
S:Maybe a new you is just what
   you need. The old you and I
   mean this by a couple of days
   ago wouldve thought you
   deserve this.
N:Whats that suppose to mean
S:You dont wanna know
N:Fine I'm sure I'll remember
S:I hope you dont
S:It was terrible
N:How? please tell me.

We pulled up to the house and I got out he followed me. I went into the house and he grabbed my arm he was holding it really tight.

S:Neymar your hurting me
S:Its like your falling into your
   old pattern again
N:Again what does that mean?

We sat down on the couch.

S:Dont worry about it if you
   remember just know I
   forgive you. If you dont thats
   good too cause its behind us
   now ok.
N:Ok. I guess
S:I'm gonna go get Milan

When I got back from my neighbours house. Ney was still sitting on the couch just starring into space.
I called him a couple of times and he snapped back into reality.

N:Sorry I zoned out.
S:Thats ok. I got Milan. Do you
   want to hold him.
N:I dont know if thats a good
   idea. I mean I dont know him
   I dont remember him so it
   might be a little weird.
S:Just try ok

I gave Milan to him and he just starred at our baby like he was a complete stranger. Milan started crying and ney immediately gave him back to me.

N:You see I told you.

He went up the stairs to his bedroom. I just sat there and sang Milan a lullaby so he can go back to sleep. He did eventually and I put him in his crib. I went to check on Ney and he was sleeping.

Next morning.

Still Shakira pov

I woke up and checked on Milan he was still asleep so I went downstairs to the kitchen and Ney was standing at the counter drinking orange juice. He saw me and smilled but he's smile quickly faded and he had this sad look on his face. The same one he had the night I accidently shot him. Yes turns out my finger was on the trigger and when we struggled I accidently pushed it. Ney didnt press charges cause we both knew it was an accident he just doesnt know why he wanted to shoot himself. You know  when all of this started I wouldve been happy to pull that trigger but now I feel really bad for him.

S:So Ney why the long face
N:Its nothing
S:You look really sad did
   something happen. If its
   about yesterday I'm sorry I
   forced you to hold Milan.
N:Its not that.
S:Really then whats the matter
N:I had the most upsetting
   dream  or should I say
   dreams these last couple of
S:What did you dream?
N:Well it started off okay but
   then just went downhill from
S:Tell me what you dreamt.
N:Well we were both at a
   party and...

He basically dreamt everything that happened from Tiana's party to now.
When he was done I just starred at him how do I tell him all those things really happened.

N:Its crazy right. I get upset
   when I think about it I mean
   why would I do that to you.
   Its weird right.

Neymar pov
She just looked at me I saw tears in her eyes. Oh no

N:Please dont tell me those
   things really happened.
N:Thats why you said all those
   thing yesterday in the car.
S:Ney I forgave you ok can we
   just not talk about this.

Shakira pov

A lot of stuff happened while I was pregnant with Milan. One time I thought I lost the baby cause he choked me till I fainted when I woke up in the hospital he had told the doctor he found me on the floor passed out. I forgiven him for everything. I'm not someone that holds a grudge. Yes what he did was horrible but if I want a peaceful life and be an example for my son I need to start by forgiving his father. Theres nothing worse then growing up with 2 parents who hate each other. It didnt happen to me but it did to Tiana. She always told me how after her parents got divorced they hated each other so much blaming each other for everything that went wrong in their marriage when truth is they both cheated on each other. She always told me how they would do anything to get back at one another and she was always caught in the middle. It came to a point where she ran away and went to go live with her grandmother. Her parents didnt know where she was cause she was still under age and they had joint custody. They still wouldnt put their differences aside instead they had this competition saying that the parent that found her first loved her more. They never found her instead she called the both of them and told them that she's never coming back. They didnt bother after that.
Come to think of it I should call Tiana I miss her. Anyway I snapped back to reality and Ney was still standing infront of me.

N:Hey are you still there. Can
   you come back to earth
S:Ok I'm back
S:For what?
S:Dont mention it
S:Seriously dont mention it I
   dont wanna think about it
   and I never want Milan or
   anyone else for that matter
. finding out about it.
N:Got it
N:Cool. You know theres
   something else I've also been
   dreaming about.
S:Really whats that

He came closer his face was inches away. He looked at my lips and before I knew it his soft lips were on top of mine.

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