Chapter 25

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Shakira pov.

I cant believe this. Neymar getting married.

S:Dont you think its a little too
N:No I love Gia and Its time
S:I just think your rushing it
N:I'm not. I just wanted to tell
   you because I didnt want you
   to hear about it someone else.
   Here's your invitation.

He handed me the invitation and left. Friday 8th April. Thats when he gets married. I might as well go. I mean why wouldnt I. Its not like I still want him. He'll always just be Milan's father.

Friday 08 April

Shakira pov
This is it. People are starting to arrive. I only realise now how stupid I am. He's getting married and there's nothing I can do. I've been trying to convince myself that I'm ok with this but I'm not. I'm officially losing him. He's gonna marry her. I'm gonna have to live with the fact that I was stupid enough to deny my feelings for him until its too late. I guess I should just congratulate him and leave cause I cant sit here and watch.

I entered the room and closed the door behind me. He was standing in the mirror trying to make his tie.

S:Your doing it wrong.

He turned around and I did his tie for him.

N:You always do it better
S:How do you feel?
N:I feel happy. I hope I can be
   a good husband to her. I
   dont want her to feel like
   second best.
S:Why would she feel like
    second best.
N:Because Shak.... I...
S:Neymar. I have to go
N:What? Why?
S:Dont worry Milan is gonna
   stay. Rafa said she'd take
.. care of him.
N:Why are you leaving?
S:I cant stay
N:Just tell me why
S:I just have to go
N:Why are you doing this? Are
    you not happy for me? Are
    you trying to bring me
    down? I THOUGHT YOU'D
S:I have to go

I was about to open the door when he pulled me back.

N:What do you mean?
S:Let me go Neymar
N:Answer me and I'll let you go
S:I cant watch you get married
   I cant stay because I love you.
  I know its too late now.But I
  cant do this to myself its
  torture. I know its selfish but I
  dont want you to marry her.
   You should be marrying me
   and It's my fault that we're
   not together I know that. Its
  all my fault and I know after
   everything I cant just come
   into your life and say you
    should choose me because
   you deserve to be happy.
   She makes you happy. I wish
   you everything of the best
   but I cant stay.

He just stood there he didnt say anything. He let go of my hand and I left. I knew he didnt feel the same way.

Gia pov

I was already in my dress. Puting on my necklace when I heard a knock on the door.

G:Who is it?
N:Its me babe we need to talk
G:Ney you cant see me before
   we get married its bad luck
N:Please Gia

He sounded serious. I opened the door and he came in.

G:Whats wrong?
N:We cant get married
N:I'm sorry Gia. I love you but I
   cant go through with the
G:If you love me then why are
    you doing this.
N:Because I dont wanna hurt
G:Your telling me we cant get
    married. What could
    possibly hurt more?
N:Your a great person Gia.
   Your beautiful,intelligent and
   loving you'd be a perfect
   wife just not for me. I cant
   get married to you knowing.
   Your giving it your all and
   I'm not.
G:What are you talking about?
   I dont understand
N:I talked to Shak and..
G:Why did she leave? Does she
   have something to do with
N:A little I love you but I love
    Shak more. I can marry you
    but it would be wrong
    because I really wanna be
    with her. I thought she didnt
    feel the same but she does
    and she told me. Even
    though she stilll has feelings
    for me she told me to marry
    you and thats when I
   realised just like she wanted
    me to be happy I want you
    to be happy but you wont be
   happy with me. Please try to
     understand its not my
    intention to humiliate you or
    to hurt you. I'm just being
G:Wow your really doing this.
    You bastard.

I slapped him.

N:I deserve that
G:Why did it take you so long
   to realise she still loves you?

I hugged him when I pulled back he gave me a confused look.

G:I saw the way she looked at
    you and the way you looked
    at her. At first I thought it
    was my imagination but in
    the back of my mind I knew
    it wasnt. I'm glad you told
    me the truth. I love you too
    but now you have to
    promise me one thing.
N:What's that?
G:That you wont take her for
N:I promise
G:Good now go find her.
N:But I cant leave you here
    alone I need to tell everyone
    the wedding's off
G:Go I'll explain it to everyone
N:Thank you Gia

He kissed my cheek and left.

Neymar pov

I got in my car and drove to Shaks house. I knocked on the door but there was no amswer her car was also gone which means she isnt here. Where could she be? I called her but it went straight to voicemail. I drove to the most common places she'd go and she wasnt there. I was driving back to her house I might as well wait for her there until she comes home. I was driving past the park when I saw someone on one of the swings that might be her. I pulled over and went over to the swing it was her. She was looking down. I stood infront of her.


He head shot up.

S:What are you doing here?
    You suppose to be at the
    church getting married
N:I am getting married just not
    to Gia.
N:Shak I love you too. After
    you left I realised that I was
     just trying to replace you. I
    want you.

She got up and kissed me. It felt so good to feel her lips after such a long time. She pulled back and smilled at me.

S:I love you so much
N:I love you too

February 14th 2017

Neymar pov

S:I do

She said as she looked into my eyes. She looked so beautiful. I just blocked everything else out and starred at her. I wasnt even paying attention until she told me

S:Ney this is the part when
   you kiss me.

I pulled her close to me and kissed her.

"Ladies and gentlemen Mr.
  and Mr.S Da Silva Santos."

We pulled back and Milan ran to me. I picked him up and we went to the reception.

Shakira pov

My song Underneath Your Clothes started playing. Neymar put his arms around my waist. I put my arms around his neck and we started slow dancing. I feel like I'm on top of the world. I have the best husband in the world. We had a rough journey. If you told me 5 years ago when all of this started that I would be here marrying Neymar I wouldve laughed and told you your crazy. But here I am dancing with the man I love.

So this is the last chapter. What do you think? Do you like the way this turned out or did you want something different? Do you want me to make a sequal? Please vote and comment.
Please checkout my other fanfics. I also have a fanfic called Underneath Your Clothes. Its a Shakira and Neymar Jr Fanfic. I also wanna send a shoutout to the biggest supporter of this book @Shakjr.


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