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Dedicated to TAB1129 n ALIFEYA n my dear friend nidasafwan..tq for the support dears!!

TITLE TRANSLATION-Slowly, come to my life, slowly!

I come again with the PART 2...How is it??? pleasee vote and comment!!

The italics are aadi narrating his story...bold are the flashbacks,,,which you read in previous chapters in tara's POV.



"But then what aadi?"

"But then that shyam came into your life,firstly I did not know why were you close to him,I did a background search on him and found that he lives your locality,I knew you were helping him with studies and all,but I cant help it,I grew mad day by day,earlier your care and affection was only for me,but now I felt it was shifting".

"And never to foget those awkward moments I faced when your talking to the guy shyam, then your friends just used to pop in and say, "you guys would make a really cute couple" and all,I was scared that you will shift to him,I finally lost it when the day I saw him hugging you,I went and drank until I was not in my senses...Then I realised you're my better half. Without you, I won't be complete. I never understood poeple would ever say "she's the one" or "I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her", but now, being with you, I've finally realized why.

I thought to give you a wedding of elaborate elegance,filled with flowers and friends. But then I just wanted to make you mine by hook or crook and moreover I was not in my senses".


" Aadi plase don't take decisions in haste,please",you kept on pleading me.

" Why?all the year you were at the back of me saying I love you!!Oh you changed your opinion now?You want to go with that shyam?"

" No aadi,I was only helping him with his studies,He hugged me because he passed all the backlogs,It was a friendly hug,I only love you,Please don't do this",you were sobbing badly now.I was so angry that you did not want to marry me,I thought you did not love me anymore,I was devastated

"I don't understand why are you hesitating ,The next step of love is marraige right,You already love me,Whats the problem?",I said and forcefully tied the thread on your neck,I wanted you to be called mine,I know you would be angry,but I thought i would spend my whole life making up to you now that you became mine.


"But then I over heard your phone conversation with your friend appu....


"Yes appu I dont love him I hate him,I am doing all this for only his money...I never loved him",You were shouting.


"That minute angel,my heart broke,I was just learning how to trust people,and I felt like you decieved me..I'm broken. My life feels broken.When you get hurt by the one you living for,Pain can make you wanna love no more,Loving you no more,...........I just I cant I couldn't love you anymore more,It hurts when we've been loyal to someone and they betray us..

My desire to love and be loved was met with cruelty.

I was Scorned and torn, those words were like daggers that penetrated beyond target to pierce my heart and turned me into a cold monster,Hence I started torturing you".

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