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So as decided,we agreed upon some terms. We decided that we would live like roommates.

The rent would be split equally between us. And as for my "wifely" duties,there would be none.

Neel would bother about his food,his clothes, et cetera et cetera and I would mind my own business.Similarly he would mind his own business and not meddle in mine.

No sharing of bed. Different bank accounts. No sharing of finance. Loan would be provided only in case of emergency.

No alcohol consumption in the house. (my condition).No pets.(Neel's condition) No party in the house.( We both agree).

We agreed to marry in the court as none of us was particularly enthusiastic about it (Except our families).

Anyway,now you know. However our arrangements has many perks. Like I'm practically single. I don't have to answer to anyone. No one's nagging me about anything.

I've joined the home-tutorials once again so that I remain busy. I can stay as late as I want.

I read

Our school is always conducting activities for the kids. Basically the kids do a kind of skit in the fancy dress. I'm in charge of assigning various roles and costumes to the kids.

The theme is about freedom fighters.You know so the kids would atleast get familiar with their names.

So here I am sweating in the middle of an afternoon,bargaining with the shopkeeper to throw in Mahatma Gandhi's glasses for free with the rest of the costume.Most of the bazaar's packed with tourists, and the shopkeepers keep jostling up to them and yelling " Get asli Indian sarees for 25% off" or similar lucrative offers.

I return my attention to my shopping. Mrs Gupta and Mrs Bakshi, my colleagues are now searching for Subhash Chandra Bose's signature cap.

I'm ticking off the freedom fighters' whose costumes we got from a check list.

Mahatma Gandhi - check

Pt Nehru - check

Sardar Patel - check

Bhagat Singh - check

Jhansi Ki Rani - check

God ,you know the inflation's at its highest peak when you can't even get kids' costumes on a reasonable rent.

My phone rings and I answer,"Hello?"

"Hey." replies a masculine voice,which makes me check the caller id.


I clear my throat and say,"Hey. What's up?"

"Nothing much. Where are you?"

"Why?" Anxiety kicks inside me and my voice rises,"What's wrong? Tell me"

"Nothing's wrong.It's just rent."

"House rent?" I say suspiciously.

He answers without missing a beat.

"Yeah. So,I want to meet you. Where are you?"

" Roopmati Ganj.Can't it wait? I'm out for some school work with some colleagues.Fancy dress."

"Right.But it can't wait.I'll be there in hour."

And in a click he's gone.

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