Chapter 4

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I hate hospitals. To me they smell like death and sick people. But of course I had go to Forks Hospital after my nearly-fatal accident. What I can't figure out though is no matter how many times I said I was fine I still had to be carried into the ambulance by a stretcher and when Edward Cullen said he was fine they let him sit in the front with the driver. So Not Fair. Just because his Dad is a doctor doesn't mean he should get his way with the paramedics. His Dad must be an extremely influential and powerful doctor. I know I sound like a spoilt brat but he was really starting to piss me off. First he starts glaring at me during lunch. Then he doesn't ask if I was OK after I nearly died. Well I suppose he was on to save my life but still. And know he gets to drive in the front of the ambulance while I have to stay in the back on a stretcher with a brace around my neck.

When we arrived I was put in a ward with Tyler in the bed next to me constantly apologising no matter how many times I said I forgive him. Just when I was about to crack and shout at him to shut up a nurse came in and shut the curtains around me and him. When she left and I was alone I took the brace off and threw it under the bed. I knew I didn't need it. I had barely a scratch on me. I did have a head ache from when I had banged my head off the door of the car and it was swiftly getting more painful.

Just then a doctor who looked in his mid-twenties entered through the curtains. He was really good looking. He was pale with golden blonde hair and butterscotch coloured eyes. The same colour as Edwards.

"Hello I'm Dr.Cullen." He said.

"Yours Edwards Dad" I said in a flat tone.

"Yes,I am." He said almost surprised.

"He saved my life" 

He smiled put it seemed strained, "yes i heard about that."

He checked me over and said I had a nice sized bump on the back of my head but no concussion and other than that I was fine.

Just then my dad rushed in and started asking if I was ok.

"I'm fine dad " I smiled at him.

"Yes she has no concussion, just a bump and a headache and other than shes fine" Dr. Cullen repeated to him what he had told me just a minute before.

"Carlisle," My dad siad, " I heard that if it wasnt for your son that my daughter would be dead. Is that true?"

"It seems that way yes" Dr.Cullen said. But he seemed uncomfortable discussing it.

"Well give him my thanks" My dad said. Then he left to go to the toilet.

"Dr.Cullen?" I asked.

"Please call me Carlisle" He said.

"Alright, I was just wondering is it possible that Edward could have gotten from one end of the parking lot to the other in the space of just a mere second?" I asked.

He started to look uncomfortable again and he stuttered when he said " I-I don't know. Maybe h-he was closer than y-you think".

"OK" i said deciding not to pursue this further. At least not with him.

My dad then re-entered the room and Carlisle told him I could go home as soon as He signed my discharge papers.

He left me in the hallway to go to the office to sign the papers. He told me to head to his car.

I was just about to turn a corner when I heard Edward talking.

"She could have been killed!" He said. Was he talking about me?

"I don't care! What about us? What about your family? What if she finds out?" a feminine voice said.She sounded really pissed.

"She won't!!" Edward nearly shouted.

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